NEW SERIES: Architecture — Waking the Sleeping Giant

Architecture Analysis
2 min readMay 15, 2018
What effects does architecture have on us? © László Balkányi / We Love Budapest

Architecture affects us more than we think. Numerous scientific studies confirm that architecture can affect well-being, both negatively or positively. It seems, however, that in architecture despite the increased knowledge of its effect and its influence in all areas of life a paradigm shift in the millennia-old discipline is not happening. Handed down traditions still dominate. Not even digitisation can shake this up, even though new solution models for different realms of architecture or real estate appear on the market everyday.

With our new series we want to shed light on different facets of architecture. We show the importance of architecture and how strongly it influences culture, society, economy, science and how strongly it is interdependently interwoven with those areas.

We ask questions like:

  • What does architecture do with us?
  • How important is it to break away from traditional architectural standards to explore new solutions to pressing challenges (e.g. population growth)?

In weekly articles we address different areas and illuminate a variety of topics. With our series we want to give food for thought, illuminate trends, uncover maladministration and point out where it can go. We want to grasp architecture in an holistic way in order to be able to show its effect on us humans and our environment.

Please stay tuned…

