Pitching: Let’s sweet talk an investor

Manish Kumar Sarangi
3 min readMar 12, 2018


This is one of those topics that might help you take advantage of the current start-up environment in India. Now because of the initiatives taken by the Start-up India foundation, there are more than enough opportunities of creating a successful company. Also, India is one of the largest consumer of product and services by dint of its massive population. We also witness the rise of many start-ups now because of these market opportunities. So in case you find a million dollar idea, you must also know how to present it to those who might take interest in it and help you realizing your dream. In short, you must know how to pitch properly.

A pitch is basically a presentation of your idea to a group of individuals, and it should be as short as it can get. The investors are individuals with a tight time schedule, which mean they won’t hear you if you keep blabbering about some shitty situations that you faced in your life. So the entire stuff can be packed into 5 minutes. One can simply start with a simple introduction of the team or the individual presenting the idea, and this must be done within a line or two. Now come the main part of your pitch: the problem. Every successful company out there was started in the first place to solve a problem that was being faced by a major part of the population. So your problem must a credible one, rather than an imaginary one that no one, but you, is facing. After that comes the solution that you are planning to provide that will help too counter the problem. This one is as important as the problem itself; so do give some time in devising an effective solution.

All of the above stated things must be said within a few lines. Don’t make it unnecessarily long. After you have presented the introduction, you have attracted the attention of your investors. Most amateurs at this point start off by stating the numbers and figures, before even explaining the solution that they just presented. So please don’t ever state the numbers unless asked. Go straight into the explaining the basic structure of the solution. Explain the working of the system, how you are going to provide your products and services.

Now a this stage if the investors are interested in you, they won’t be stopping you. If it doesn’t go otherwise, then you can go on by explaining the revenue model, your current level, and progress, and your road-map of the years to come. And after presenting all this, if the panel begins to ask you questions about the working, then you are good to go. Keep your cool and don’t get overexcited.

A word of advice: never present false figure or facts to the panel. They’ve been in the market for quite a while, so they know more than you. Always give authentic facts and surveys.

Now pitching is not some rocket-science that will completely go over your head. Remember that the first impression lasts long. So you should be as relaxed as you can get. Be as professional as you can be. Keep it as short as it can get. The investors not only pay attention to the details you present, but also to your body language and, most importantly, your conviction. Everything you do in-front of them, do it confidently. Don’t go on begging for their money.

