20 Things About Me

Tom Maxwell
1 min readOct 16, 2013


  1. I don’t like drinking plain water, even though I know I should because it’s good for health.
  2. I feel guilty about never waking up before 10am — on weekdays.
  3. Sometimes I’ll take upwards of 5 showers throughout the day, just to think.
  4. I can’t code for more than an hour without my mind drifting elsewhere.
  5. I enjoy coffee, yet couldn't tell you the difference between drip coffee and the french press.
  6. I probably take more walks throughout my day than I should.
  7. I obsess over vanity metrics like Twitter followers.
  8. Over-analyzing conversation is my specialty.
  9. I dwell on past events a lot.
  10. I avoid confrontation as much as possible.
  11. I refuse to get a drivers license because my dad once said “I don’t want to have the only son in the neighborhood without a license.”
  12. I’m afraid that on the off chance that I hit it off with someone, I end up talking too much.
  13. I fear that I talk about myself too much.
  14. Typography intimidates me a lot.
  15. I take it personally when people unfollow me.
  16. I’m terrible at art, and can never understand poetry.
  17. It’s hard for me to read through an article if it’s more than 2 paragraphs long.
  18. I enjoy a wide variety of music, but can’t explain exactly what about a song makes me enjoy it.
  19. I haven’t eaten any seafood since I was in preschool when I tried fish sticks (harhar so funny).
  20. I like writing, but fear I’m not knowledgeable enough in any field to be worthy of someone’s time.

