Think, Act, Get it done

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Dale Vivian Ross
4 min readOct 27, 2013


I signed up for medium on my phone hoping to use the time I had sitting down to spread some motivation or something. Sadly I had to wait until I got back to the PC. It’s a well-designed application though, I can see myself using this “medium” more often.

Over the past few months, I have undergone a transformation that I am unable to explain. It probably started from just challenging myself to do some things instead of leaving everything to chance. Then, an amazing thing happened. Slowly, but indubitably, self-doubt began to decrease and my confidence began to rise, up and up.

I have always, more or less, been OK, not doing terribly, and not doing superbly either. I have been blessed, I would say with good friends and family, enough to do OK enough. I knew there was something though, I felt the gap between my state and my potential. I looked at what I could potentially be and thought myself unworthy of attaining it. 28+ years of OK, not cool. I’m sorry, my family deserved better, my peers deserved better, the world deserved better. I don’t think many would complain, as I was generally a hard worker.

To whom much is given much is expected

I thank you though, all who said little things, encouraging me, giving me props calling me a “genius” — hah. One day over this past summer of ’13, it finally clicked! Who said 13 was an unlucky number. I became alive, driven, motivated, inspired, renewed, energized and dedicated to the cause. Then things started happening, things I had no control over, things I would have loved to happen when I was dormant. They came flooding in, opportunities, an imagination, a voice! If there was one phrase to describe me through life it would have been “The quiet one” may be attributed to other properties such as nerdy, strange, and for those close enough, crazy.

Then, a friend recommended a book, Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich. One might think this book is about money. The emphasis is on thought and the effect of thought. The riches don’t have to be money. Some of those with money are the poorest people I know of. I would recommend this book to anyone. I had already switched on, but having a manual to help does not hurt. I listen to a chapter or two, from the audio-book, when I can while walking in the mornings. If you can get through 50 shades of Grey, 16 laws should be a breeze. These laws are not commandments and you have probably heard them many times over. They are merely suggestions to win at this thing called life. I picked up a hard copy that my wife bought me yesterday, she’s awesome. She saw something others missed, I’m happy to walk this journey with her. A country away, she could say, I see in you the potential to be great, to be awesome. Shucks, I think she just wanted the discussions we had to go on :p.

Now I’m ready to change the world or at least try. I need to get more sleep so that I can survive the long haul.

I don’t have all the answers, and there is some amount of joy in knowing you don’t know it all, that there is a world to explore, that the problems that exist in the world are indeed opportunities to do something.

I’m thankful for role models, like Sir Richard Branson, Guy Kawasaki and the explorer Elon Musk.
Be the change you wish to see in the world, the government can do so much and no more for you. You can demand change and support the democratic process by voting, participating in community discussions and being civil when discussing your points with those outside your bubble.

Study! Edx, Coursera, Udacity. Read! Retool! Invent! It’s not easy, but it’s far easier these days. Don’t be hard on yourself. Start something today.
If you made it this far, thank you. I know I can be a bore at times. ^_^

In 1000 words



Dale Vivian Ross

Coder | Problem Solver | Dreamer | Servant | Follower of Christ