Dr. Keerthi R

Key interest areas: Pollution control, Modeling, Technology

Keerthi R
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2020


Kerala, India

What do you do?

I am a Chemical Engineer with a never-ending appetite for research. I have completed my doctoral degree in Air Quality Modeling. A combined model was used to find the air pollution sources in Kerala, India. I am interested in collaborative works in the field of pollution control which could help in the realization of a sustainable environment. Apart from that, I am also interested in wastewater and solid waste management.

How are you creating an impact in your niche?

I have been working on models that help to find out the air polluting sources in any area, provided their source profiles are known. When the sources are known, the emissions from such sources could be cut down to improve the air quality in that region. I am also experienced in handling courses for undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering.

Where can one find your work?

