The Callignee 2 — Australia’s Bushfire House Design Risen From the ashes

House Risen from the Black Saturday Bushfire | The Callignee 2

Embark in the story of man who never let go of his dream. 

Joanna Johnson
4 min readSep 26, 2013


The Black Saturday

The Black Saturday marked the lives of many people in Victoria and throughout Australia. Hundreds houses and millions acres of forest have been destroyed in the devastating bushfire in that tragic day. Along with them has been burned down the house of Chris Clarke, which had been built just 6 days ago. And while Chris has been helping his family save their house a couple of kilometers up the hills, he watched his own home die along with the whole forest around it.

The Callignee in ruins after the Black Saturday Bushfire in 2009.
Chris Clarke working near the Finished concrete kitchen counter top in Callignee 2

Chris’ Dream — The Callignee

As a self-thought architect and construction manager, Chris had given all his heart and savings on this last project. Together with his father, a renown architect, they planned the structure of the house for years and even gave it a name — The Callignee. The whole house was carefully planned and designed with passion, something that Chris lost after the bushfire of the Black Saturday. With time, the charred, destroyed nature in the area started growing again and so did his strength to build his home again. Years after his loss, Chris Clarke decided to start the project all over again, building The Callignee 2 out of the foundations of his burned house. After nearly one year of construction and overall upgrade of the project, today The Callignee 2 is one of the most well fire-proof house constructions ever made.

Stunning view from the outdoor shed over the house’s crystal clear pool.

Triumph of Sustainability

The whole building represents a minimalist reflection of the rustic style. Along with its many eclectic and rustic elements, like the water tank and the garden balcony on the second floor, its walls are made out of special steel which rusts to a certain point that gives it a specific orange color without actually damaging it. The house’s unique structure and design fully embraces and celebrates the tragic event from the Black Saturday. According to Victoria’s Building Designers Association, the house is a price winner which incorporates the sour rawness of the burned, yet stunning rustic beauty of the locality and adds a touch of sleek modernity to the area.

Design Vs Convenience

As many find this design as a triumph of sustainability the only downside of it is that it might be a bit more difficult to clean than a normal house. As The Callignee 2 incorporates so much of nature’s beauty and mimics to detail an old, abandoned structure coming from the future, the interior of the house will definitely offer a challenge to Melbourne’s cleaning companies. As Melbourne’s interior designers share - it’s hard to make the right decisions when it comes to designing a rustic interior.

“One step towards modernity and sleekness might give the wrong feel of the design overall and one step ahead into rustic traditionalism might make housekeeping a true Hell.” says, Jeffrey, a cleaner from Melbourne.

However, one of Victoria’s most appraised builders, Chris Clarke has done a tremendous job raising his dream house from its ruins and building it over again. Fire and disaster-proof, The Callignee 2 is a triumph over the tragic day of the bushfire.

The raw, rustic interior of Callignee.
Rustic, wooden staircase leading to the second floor.



Joanna Johnson

Blogger by heart, Green Living Enthusiast,Cooking and cleaning expert.| Owner of: