Firantcrypto x ArchLoot AMA Recap

May 30, 2022

7 min readJun 1, 2022


On May 30, 2022, ArchLoot team had an English — Korean AMA in the Fireantcrypto community.

For those who missed it, here’s an entire recap. Enjoy!

Host: ARCHLOOT의 Founder님의 인사말 먼저 듣고 본격적으로 AMA를 시작하도록 하겠습니다.

Welcome to my world! Could you introduce yourself shortly?


Hi guys, I’m Jonathan, CEO of ArchLoot. I’m from Belgium. Our team is glad to be here today. I worked for game publishers such as Yostar, Aoshitang, mars game, and Taptap. It was just a natural thing to join a more innovative gaming area, as unprecedented as GameFi. Our team was full of traditional game talents, such as Duke, the advisor, who co-founded It can be considered a success in 2017 as it reached a $10m net profit.

And I’m here today with 2 core team members. Please let them introduce themselves.


Hi everyone, hello from Australia. I’m Gavin, currently the COO of ArchLoot. Before this, I already have extensive experience in the crypto industry. Co-founded Inblocksolutions in 2018, and advised several startups since 2018. When seeking more opportunities in the Web3 shifting, I was lucky to join ArchLoot and see how it was initiated, boosted, and now begun to thrive.


Hi everyone, I’m Dirk from Canada. I’m serving as the CMO of ArchLoot. My pleasure to be here. I was initially from the traditional hedge fund space. Around 2017, as I talked with other managers, I started to see a growing trend of interest in the crypto space. After doing some research on my own, I decided to commit fully to the space. The web3 space is full of innovations and crazy endeavors, which excites me.

Question 1. @ksenpote

아치루트가 말하는 UGC 장르가 무엇가요? 이것을 바탕으로 Archloot를 설명해주세요.

What is the genre of UGC that ArchLroot is talking about? Please explain ArchLoot based on this.


We’ve positioned ArchLoot from the beginning to be all about UGC from the gameplay to the community. UGC comes from User-Generated-Content and came about from mainstream media outlets facilitating amateurs to publish content. In the modern era we live in today — it’s become a strategy that even most smaller companies have adopted based on: 1. The power and trust of word of mouth 2. The ever-increasing demand for an inclusive community.

ArchLoot provides the first interactive gameplay in the industry, which fully enables on-chain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs and unleashes its potential for playability and user-generated content robustness. The game intends to build an ecosystem, including a great game and a creative community, that truly achieves a balance between playability, accessibility, and profitability.


This is made possible by EIP-4985 and BEP-129, self-developed protocols that were born for GameFi.

Gamers can

  • Freely assemble and recombine your avatars from a directory of NFTs
  • Change/ upgrade/ enhance the attributes and design of NFT assets during playing
  • Sell them on secondary marketplaces
  • Safe transactions and real-time metadata protection

In a word, user-add value to all in-game assets has no limits both in the game and in the marketplace. For a more technical explanation of the NFT system, you can read this section in the whitepaper.

Question 2. @ZPQM1092

블록체인 프로젝트는 커뮤니티가 가장 중요하다고 생각합니다. 커뮤니티 확장과 빌딩 방안에 대해 듣고싶고 앞으로의 마케팅 계획이 알고싶습니다.

I think the community is the most important thing for the blockchain project. I want to hear about community expansion and building plans, and I want to know about future marketing plans.


We have always been explaining our gamer-first strategy to the community. I put marketing as one of the key pillars of our project, as I can say from my side that I had been leading successful traditional games on the publishing side and I have a lot of resources and experience in that field, we have no doubt that we will succeed in our marketing campaign, we use to go to market strategies originating from the game industry: ads, KOL marketing, partnership, brand partnership, online events, UGC events, in-game events, “IPs” etc.

We will also integrate our gaming elements with typical crypto events, like airdrops, credential-gated community events, staking events, and token-related incentives.

The next phase will be huge excitement. We’ll roll out blindbox sales and prepare for our Open Beta and the official launch. We also have a soon-to-be-released Twitter enigma event and that’s actually an exclusivity.

Question 3 @morethann

아치루트 게임을 통해 얻는 리워드가 코인일 것 같은데 아치루트 코인이 어떻게 소각 메커니즘이 짜여져 있는지 자세히 알고싶습니다.

I think the reward from the ArchLoot game is coins, but I want to know in detail how the ArchLoot coin has an incineration mechanism.


ArchLoot adopts a dual-token economic system, which includes both a governance token and in-game gold. ALT is a functional multi-utility token that will be used as the native governance token and economic incentive. What you can earn in the game will be ALG, ArchLoot Gold. We have a management team which monitors the consumption and generation of both tokens to maintain a sustainable economical system.

Question 4. @zpxoci0700

P2E 게임의 토큰은 인플레이션으로 인한 가치하락이 자주 발생합니다. 아치루트 에서는 이러한 인플레이션을 방지하기 위한 솔루션이 있는지 궁금합니다.

In most cases, the token prices go down because of inflation, how do you plan to depend on this situation? do you have a specific solution for inflation?


We always believe that fun is the most important feature of a game. A fun game will always have a solid community, which stabilizes the value of in-game assets. Moreover, although our game is free to play, it is not free to earn.

We have introduced a hunting license approach, where the player will be able to earn only if he/she possesses a hunting license. That way, by limiting the issuance of hunting licenses, we can contain the inflation.

Question 5. @chashar

프로젝트의 파트너십과 투자자는 그 프로젝트의 성공가능성을 알 수 있는 중요한 정보라고 생각합니다

ArchLoot의 파트너십과 투자자에 대해 알고 싶습니다

The partnership of the project and the investor think that it is important information to know the success of the project. I’d like to know about ArchLoot’s partnership and investors


Most definitely important! We are actively expanding the ecosystem network, such as working with SlowMist for contract auditing and announcing partnerships with marketplaces and digital asset service platforms that include NFTb, Safeheron, and AFKDAO.

Over 10 partners and investors have shown their support. I can say for this project that we are fully funded. Actually, we have just released the latest funding announcement

Host: All prepared pre-questions are finished. It’s time for field questions. I will melt the chat room for a while to gather Live questions.

Q: Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, Do you have an ambassador program? if yes please share it with us?


A very important role indeed they play. As I mentioned, we’re all about UGC and bringing the community just that much closer to us to enable the seamless go-to-community strategy. This is also a completely unique aspect that separates us from other games. The ambassador program will launch very soon so keep your eyes out and tuned on our socials — you’re never late in P2E!

Q: I think it will be important for long-term growth for people who are not interested in cryptocurrency to download and play games. How will Archloot attract users and appeal to them?


We have developed the game as a traditional game that one would publish on the traditional game market, and then we incorporated the blockchain technology onto it, we are a very diversified team coming from the traditional game industry such as myself and other team members, we all worked on successful game IPs, we also have staffs coming from finances and tech. We’re more than 30 staff working on the project.

Q: UGC seems to be a key part of Archloot. What are the exact meanings and advantages of UGC?


UGC stands for User Generated Content, which we believe should be the core idea behind any Web3 projects. Participants will be given a platform to fully utilize their own abilities and benefit from them as a result. In the case of ArchLoot, talents are appreciated on multiple fronts. If you are artistic, you can participate in the monster creation tournament. If you are competitive, you can do PVP ladder and get rewarded. If you are a leader, you can organize your own clan and make it the strongest ever.

Moreover, we are giving players the right to assemble their own truly unique avatars. ones that may represent their Web3 identity. Our NFT protocols (EIP-4985 and BEP-129) even allow interoperable NFT use cases in multiple projects. Thus we are providing ways for participants to truly own their assets and associated fruits.

Host: This is the end of the ARCHLOOT AMA.

We sincerely thank Founder for your hard work on AMA today. Person ARCHLOOT, I am very excited about ARCHLOOT’s achievement so far.


Firstly, I’m very impressed with this community 😎! We are celebrating the opening of our freshly made, new telegram group. Check out this $10,000 giveaway!

Thanks so much for having us guys and be sure to follow us on our socials for more updates!










loot-style UGC NFT + Mobile RPG Game on #Ethereum #BNB #zkSync 🕹1st interactive NFT tech backed by dynamic protocol 🔗