How to Unbox Your ArchLoot Mystery NFTs Pack

Starts on August 13th, 12 PM UTC

5 min readAug 12, 2022


Key Takeaways

[Please just leave your email/Discord name/BEP 20 address to proceed. All the other questions can be optional or filled with ‘N/A’.]

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Withdraw your NFTs

If you have purchased the 1st wave mystery boxes, you can withdraw all the assets directly to any wallet that supports BNB Chain.

If you have purchased the 2nd wave mystery boxes, it is essential to reveal the rarity of the box on the Binance NFT platform (to see whether it’s N, R, SR, or SSR) before you can actually withdraw your asset and redeem them for the NFTs accordingly on our official website.

2. Visit our official website


Or click on the pop-up window [Open Your ArchLoot Mystery Boxes]

3. Connect your wallet & open the box

Click [Connect Wallet] — [Select BNB Chain Mainnet] — [Approve the Contract] — [Open Box]

1st wave mystery boxes holders will see this:

2nd wave mystery boxes holders will see this:

*It needs to be noted that opening each box requires a certain gas fee that, being as low as it can on the BNB Chain, should be deducted from the holder’s account. An insufficient balance ($2) will fail the process.

**The on-chain confirmation process usually takes between 10s-30s.

4. Check the details

What you’ve opened is an SVG format of the NFT body part, with its TokenID in our interactive NFT contract and its attributes/skills details logged in numbers. When the card turns over, the actual visual of the body part will be revealed.

The frame indicates rarity, e.g. orange = legendary, purple = epic;

In the picture below, 2 is the serial number of ‘attack’, and 14 is the value of ‘attack’. The body part contributes to the monster with a performance of ‘attack + 14’. #72 is its serial number within the whole NFT category.

This is what the #72 body part looks like. It is a rare part with high attributes.

In more rare cases, the serial number could be 0, which indicates it is a skilled body part that should be difficult to own.

5. Other common parts that come with each box

Every single one of the mystery boxes contains 1 NFT body part that you have claimed by following the instructions above and 9 other common parts that will be dropped immediately when you log in to the game. Stay tuned for our official game release planned for this quarter!


Q: How can I know the power of the NFT body part that I have acquired?

A: You can use any of them in the open beta test or the official game. Before either of them, you might get a taste of it in a closed beta test, with equal fun and even more early perks!

Our 2nd phase of CBT has been scheduled for August 18th — August 24th.

Box holders have direct access to it:

Q: What are the perks of using invested NFTs instead of free body parts in the game?

A: There is a large difference between different rarities of body parts in terms of the farming rate and the durability, which significantly determines how you consume or accumulate resources and gain advantages in the game.

Q: What if I don’t use MetaMask?

A: You can choose any wallet that supports BNB Chain to transfer, claim, and check all the assets. A good way would be using WalletConnect.

Q: The page is frozen on ‘processing’?

A: It might occur due to a network issue or your insufficient balance for the gas fee. Please check your connections and your wallet.

Q: How long does the opening process take?

A: Once you have approved the contract, the box will be opened approximately within 30 seconds.

Q: How do I report bugs or seek help?

A: Please reach out to us at You can submit the problem to #support-ticket chat and we‘ll be happy to help.

Q: Any time limitations? Will any of the boxes expire?

A: No. Holders can open their boxes at any time. The only thing that should be brought to notice is that the entrance on our official website might be changed over time.

Q: Can I view all the NFTs on a dashboard?

A: The dashboard will be displaying more attribute/skill details and exquisite effects of all body parts, and can be expected by the end of this month, within August 2022.

Q: Can I trade ArchLoot NFTs now?

A: ArchLoot does not have an official marketplace yet. All NFT trades on external platforms must follow the rules and bear the risks accordingly.

Q: When official marketplace?

A: Scheduled for this quarter.

Q: Next wave of NFT sales?

A: We intend to provide the best service and perks to all early holders. So far other sales events remain undecided.




loot-style UGC NFT + Mobile RPG Game on #Ethereum #BNB #zkSync 🕹1st interactive NFT tech backed by dynamic protocol 🔗