Introducing Interactive NFTgameplay: More than Loot

Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2022

The brand value that NFTgameplay established for itself is very high. It has been gaining popularity as many have welcomed the advent of play-to-earn for considerable rewards, with also disquiet over the unwelcome intrusion of commerce into the escapist world of gaming.

Web 3 games are supposed to consist of two things people crave — entertainment and the possibility of making money, with the scales not tipping to either end. Shaking work-to-earn off from play-to-earn space is undoubtedly an urgent mission for all builders. It is also the era-opening key to GameFi 2.0.

What’s the problem?

In TCG and SLG games, the current NFT protocol (once written, immutable for life) is sufficient for all needs. Moving to more complex game modes, fascinating elements of exploration, upgrading, competition, and creation directly or indirectly interact with player assets (characters, props, money) and therefore trigger changes in quantities and attributes.

Though ideal for collecting tokens, the ERC-721 NFT protocol has technical constraints that impede future blockchain game development. More attempts to unleash the interoperability and rich performances of in-game NFTs are often restrained due to technology.

Loot-based NFTs share good on-chain consistency as their metadata are stored on the blockchain rather than via URLs, and the txt form metadata provides the possibility for NFTs to interact across different ecosystems. However, it is generally impractical in reality as game attributes can be fundamentally different across ecosystems.

That is the reason why we need a more gaming-friendly protocol. Here comes us.

Solution: Interactive NFTgameplay

ArchLoot explores a new territory of interactive NFTgameplay, which fully enables on-chain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs and unleashes its potential for playability and user-generated content robustness.

This new breed of NFTgameplay is made possible by EIP-4985 and BEP-129.

  • Enhancing the features of Loot, EIP-4985 and BEP-129 are born for GameFi.
  • The technology allows the creation of any digital properties in the form of numbers, with every piece of metadata stored on the chain.
  • Compared to the text form, the form of numbers significantly lower the barrier to cross-ecosystem collaboration. NFTs are now the magical Bifrost to various games.
  • The best part is that it supports real-time modifications with validation, allowing owners to modify the metadata of the NFT subject to certain rules.
Technology graphic

Attribute ID (of the NFT) = The sole ID of an attribute under the game registry, like “20220425”, combined with its name in Game A, stands for “frozen skills” in Game A; Value (of NFT) = the numerical value of an in-game performance attribute, like “305%”

For instance: Game A attribute ID (critical damage) + Value (300%) = 300% critical damage in Game A = 200% spirit in Game B

Indeed, an editable, evolvable, and interoperable NFTgameplay is the inaugural exploration.

What Does It Mean For ArchLoot Gamers?

ArchLoot intends to provide not only a new way of playing — but also an increasingly viable method of monetization, a form of identity, and a social connector.

Composable Gameplay: Monsters in ArchLoot come in loot-style NFT parts. Gamers can freely assemble their monsters from a whole NFT directory, with each one strongly supporting user-generated operations. Unexpected attributes of these NFT parts are the best rewards for those who take risks in recombination.

Add value & Monetization: Gamers can always browse to buy or sell NFT parts on secondary marketplaces. Protected by a treasure contract, every piece of metadata will be logged on-chain when an NFT goes into the marketplace. Metadata in the form of numbers also provides the possibility for NFTs to interact across different ecosystems, enriching the experience of every gamer.

UGC + Creativity: Diverse gameplays, including PVE, PVP, and Clan Wars, blend an evolving challenging paradigm with P2E. In a creation-friendly community, gamers will be spearheading their gameplay preferences, including self-defined maps, cosmetics, and much more.

Excited enough?

Stay tuned on ArchLoot channels: Official website | Twitter | Discord

More gameplay details, including monster assembling, NFT enhancement, dungeon quests, and more, are upcoming very soon.




loot-style UGC NFT + Mobile RPG Game on #Ethereum #BNB #zkSync 🕹1st interactive NFT tech backed by dynamic protocol 🔗