1 Facebook post. 45% fan engagement!

Chris Korbey
Arcivr Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2016


Since launching the new Arcivr app last month, we’ve seen all kinds of events pop up in the app—from small New Year’s Eve parties to American Idol stars on national tour. Some are small, app-only affairs. Others use Arcivr + Backstage (our real-time dashboard, messaging and slideshow platform) to engage and learn about fans over week-long festivals. The Nashville Dirt Championship — a one-day, 6-race mountain bike and cyclocross event falls squarely in the middle.

After a day of suffering on the bike, most cyclists scour Facebook for race pics from professional photographers, fans, and other racers. Unfortunately, the photos and videos are typically scattered across countless Facebook pages, and largely unorganized and untagged. If you do find your ESPN cover-worthy shot, it’s so low resolution that it’s pretty useless outside of Facebook.

With this in mind, the Nashville Dirt Championship race promoters turned to Arcivr. They created one Arcivr event and shared the event code via a post on their Facebook event page (already have Arcivr? check it out at DIRTWORLDS). Throughout the day, fans, racers, and pro photographers covered the races and uploaded photos and videos to Arcivr, giving everyone at the venue—and their sponsors, fans and family back home—a real-time feed of the event.

We consider 10% fan involvement a success for most events. With one Facebook post, the Dirt Championship team jumped to a 45% app install and participation rate within 24 hours! More importantly, fan engagement (views, social shares and downloads) steadily rose the day after the event. And the promoters, sponsors, and vendors walked away with over 1,000 photos to promote on their websites, ads, and social sites for months to come.

Here are some fan photos from the race. Maybe we’ll see you out there next year…

Looking to make your next event your most interactive, engaging and data rich yet, shoot us a note at hello@arcivr.com or @arcivr.

Chris Korbey
Arcivr Founder and CEO



Chris Korbey
Arcivr Blog

Three boys, millions of photos, never enough bikes. Founder of @arcivr and @ceremonyapp