#011 Orlando thinks: iOS developers should look at this next year …

Orlando Schäfer
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2022

Hello everyone, it’s me, Orlando. I’m an Apple fanboy and software engineer at arconsis. From time to time, I publish an article from the series “Orlando thinks” in which I highlight a specific topic that I see as important or exciting. Sometimes it might be just certain aspects of everyday life, but sometimes it might be tips, hints, thoughts, or appeals — but nonsense is not excluded either.

A woman holding her cheeks. She seems very surprised. She wears a shirt with the title logo “Orlando thinks #011” printed on it.
A very surprised woman who shows the emotion clickbaiting articles request from you ;) (Photo generated by placeit.net)

That sounds a lot like clickbait, doesn’t it? Yeah, ok, I plead guilty. But I actually got a hint on which topics you, as an iOS developer, should definitely have a look at next year.

So I’ll quote a chat with a “colleague” here:

What could be the 3 major things I should learn for iOS development in 2023?

It’s difficult to predict exactly what the three major things for iOS development in 2023 will be, as the field is constantly evolving and new technologies and approaches are being introduced all the time. However, some potential areas that you might want to focus on learning in 2023 could include:

1) SwiftUI: This is a new declarative framework for building user interfaces on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, which was introduced in 2019. It offers a number of benefits over the traditional UIKit framework, including improved code readability, faster development times, and better support for dynamic data and user interaction.

2) ARKit: ARKit is Apple’s augmented reality (AR) development platform, which allows developers to create immersive AR experiences for iOS and iPadOS. In 2023, we may see further advancements in AR technology, as well as new features and tools being added to ARKit, so it could be a good area to focus on learning.

3) Machine learning: Machine learning is a rapidly growing field that is becoming increasingly important in mobile development. iOS already includes a number of machine learning frameworks and APIs, such as Core ML and Create ML, and in 2023, we may see further advancements in this area, as well as new tools and resources being made available to developers.

These are just some potential areas that you could focus on learning in 2023. The most important thing is to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and to continually learn and grow as a software engineer.

Who did I ask? Not who. “What.” Some of you already know the answer because currently, this is a massive hype.

Of course, I played around a bit with ChatGPT from OpenAI. And I think the results are pretty amazing. And it should be mentioned that this text above was still the least impressive. So I asked for an elaboration of the pros and cons of Quarkus and Spring Boot, asked to describe the Christmas season with the tone of Donald Trump, and requested advice for activity trips between Christmas and New Year.

And these are just the gimmicks. The possibilities arising from all this and the further development are immense. At this point, I can only refer to an excellent article by Sascha Lobo at Spiegel Online (in German).
He sums it up very well.

For those who haven’t tried it yet: Take your time, go to chat.openai.com, create an account, and get started.

My feeling: At least on point 3 of the essential topics for 2023 as an iOS developer, I agree with the tool — we should look into Machine Learning more than we have so far.

Orlando 🍻



Orlando Schäfer

Passionate iOS software engineer from Karlsruhe. I am working @arconsis