Unit Testing in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

Karim Reda
Published in
6 min readAug 22, 2023

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) has emerged as a powerful framework for building mobile apps that can share business logic across multiple platforms. With KMM, developers can write shared code in Kotlin and seamlessly integrate it with platform-specific code for iOS and Android. As with any software development project, testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of the application. In this article, we will delve into the different approaches and best practices for unit testing in KMM projects. We will also discuss the tools and frameworks available for writing and executing unit tests in both shared and platform-specific code.

If you’re unfamiliar with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM), we encourage you to refer to our article on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM). It provides more insights into Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) and its advantages.
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What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing is a software testing technique that focuses on testing individual units or components of a software system in isolation. In unit testing, the smallest testable parts of the code, such as functions, methods, or classes (referred to as “units”), are tested to ensure that they function correctly.

The main goal of unit testing is to verify the behavior and correctness of individual units of code. It helps identify defects, bugs, or errors early in the development process, allowing developers to fix them before they propagate into larger, more complex parts of the system.

Advantages of Unit Testing

Unit testing offers several advantages in software development. Here are some key advantages of unit testing:

  1. Early Bug Detection: Unit tests help detect bugs and issues early in the development process. By testing individual units of code in isolation, developers can catch and address defects before they propagate into larger, more complex parts of the system. Early bug detection leads to cost savings and reduces the effort required for bug fixing in later stages.
  2. Improved Code Quality: Unit testing promotes writing modular, reusable, and well-structured code. When writing tests, developers often strive to make their code more testable, leading to better code design and architecture. Unit testing encourages adherence to coding standards, best practices, and SOLID principles, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable code.
  3. Refactoring Confidence: Refactoring is the process of making changes to the code without altering its external behavior. With a comprehensive suite of unit tests in place, developers can confidently refactor their code, knowing that any unintended side effects or regressions will likely be caught by the tests. This flexibility promotes code evolution and allows for continuous improvement without sacrificing stability.
  4. Faster Debugging: Unit tests act as a safety net during the debugging process. When a test fails, it provides a specific indication of where the issue lies, narrowing down the search space for debugging. By isolating the problem to a specific unit of code, developers can pinpoint and fix the problem more quickly, saving time and effort.
  5. Regression Prevention: Unit tests act as a regression prevention mechanism. Whenever changes are made to the codebase, running the unit tests helps ensure that existing functionality has not been inadvertently broken. This gives developers confidence in making changes and provides a safety net to catch regressions early on.
  6. Continuous Integration and Delivery: Unit testing plays a crucial role in continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) workflows. By automating unit tests and integrating them into the CI pipeline, developers can catch issues early, maintain code quality, and ensure that changes can be confidently deployed to production.
  7. Collaboration and Documentation: Unit tests serve as documentation for the expected behavior of code units. They provide insights into how individual units should function and how they interact with other units. Unit tests act as a form of documentation that can be shared among team members, promoting collaboration and facilitating knowledge transfer.

Approaches to Unit Testing in KMM

When it comes to unit testing in KMM projects, developers have several approaches to choose from. Let’s explore some of the common strategies:

  1. Shared Code Testing: The primary advantage of KMM is the ability to write shared code that can be utilized by both iOS and Android platforms. This shared code can be tested using Kotlin’s testing frameworks, such as JUnit or Kotest. By writing tests directly in the shared module, developers can ensure the correctness of the shared business logic across platforms.
  2. Platform-Specific Code Testing: While shared code testing is crucial, it is equally important to test the platform-specific code to account for platform differences and ensure proper integration. Kotlin Multiplatform provides the flexibility to write platform-specific tests using platform-specific frameworks, such as XCTest for iOS and JUnit or Kotest for Android. These tests can focus on platform-specific functionality and integration with the shared code.
  3. Mocking and Dependency Injection: To isolate units of code during testing, developers often rely on mocking and dependency injection. KMM supports popular mocking frameworks like MockK and provides mechanisms for dependency injection through Kotlin’s built-in features or third-party libraries like Koin or Dagger. By mocking dependencies and injecting test doubles, developers can test the behavior of individual components in isolation, leading to more comprehensive and reliable unit tests.
  4. Test Doubles: In KMM, you may encounter situations where you need to interact with external resources, such as databases or network services. To avoid coupling your tests to these external resources, you can use test doubles like stubs, fakes, or mocks. These test doubles simulate the behavior of the external resources and allow you to test your code independently.

Tools and Frameworks for Unit Testing in KMM:

KMM provides a range of tools and frameworks to support unit testing in shared and platform-specific code:

  1. JUnit: A popular testing framework for Java and Kotlin, JUnit is fully supported in KMM projects. It offers a rich set of features for writing and executing tests, including assertions, test fixtures, and test suites.
  2. XCTest: For iOS-specific testing, KMM integrates with XCTest, the native testing framework for Swift and Objective-C. XCTest provides a robust set of testing capabilities for iOS platforms.
  3. MockK: MockK is a powerful mocking library for Kotlin that seamlessly integrates with KMM projects. It simplifies the process of creating mocks and stubs, allowing developers to effectively isolate units of code during testing.
  4. Kotest: Kotest is a flexible and feature-rich testing framework for Kotlin that offers a wide range of testing styles and assertions. It supports both shared and platform-specific testing in KMM projects.

Best Practices for Unit Testing in KMM

To ensure effective unit testing in KMM projects, consider the following best practices:

  1. Test Isolation: Ensure that your tests are isolated from external dependencies, using techniques such as mocking or dependency injection. This allows you to test the behavior of individual units in isolation and makes your tests more reliable and repeatable.
  2. Test Coverage: Strive for high test coverage by writing tests that cover critical business logic and edge cases. Aim to achieve a balance between testing shared code and platform-specific code, ensuring that both are thoroughly tested.
  3. Test Naming and Organization: Follow a consistent naming convention for tests and organize them into logical groups or test suites. This helps in maintaining a clear and structured test suite, making it easier to locate and understand specific tests.
  4. Continuous Integration: Integrate unit tests into the continuous integration (CI) pipeline to catch issues early in the development process. CI tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions can automatically run tests whenever changes are pushed to the repository.
  5. Test Data Management: Manage test data effectively by using tools like Kotlin’s data classes or third-party libraries such as Kotlin Serialization. This simplifies the creation and management of test data, making tests more readable and maintainable.
  6. Test-Driven Development (TDD): Consider adopting a test-driven development approach, where tests are written before the actual implementation. TDD promotes better code design, improved test coverage, and more reliable software.


Unit testing is essential in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) projects to ensure the quality and reliability of mobile apps. By adopting best practices and leveraging the available tools and frameworks, developers can write comprehensive unit tests for shared and platform-specific code. With a strong unit testing strategy in place, developers can deliver robust and maintainable KMM applications that run smoothly across iOS and Android platforms.

