Why You Should Start Using Kotlin Multiplatform Today: The Benefits of Cross-Platform Development

4 min readJun 7, 2023


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Exploring the Power of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: Revolutionizing Cross-Platform App Development

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, developed by JetBrains, is a remarkable cross-platform solution that empowers developers to create native applications for both Android and iOS using a single codebase. By harnessing the capabilities and adaptability of the Kotlin programming language, it delivers a smooth and unified development experience across platforms. One of its key advantages is the fusion of native and cross-platform capabilities. When targeting Android, Kotlin code is converted to Java bytecode, while for iOS, it is transformed into native binaries via LLVM. This approach ensures optimal performance while enabling code sharing across platforms.

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Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile works by allowing developers to write shared code using Kotlin, which can be used across multiple platforms. The shared code includes business logic, data models, networking code, and more. Developers can then write platform-specific code, such as user interfaces and platform-specific APIs, using the native tools and languages for each platform.

With the help of libraries that support Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile and tools provided by JetBrains, it is easy to share code across platforms. These tools include the Kotlin Standard Library, Kotlin Serialization, Ktor for networking, and others. The shared code can also be tested using Kotlin Test, allowing developers to ensure that their code works across all platforms.

Some key benefits of using Kotlin Multiplatform

1- Easy to learn.

Kotlin syntax is very similar to other popular languages such as Swift and Java. So it’s pretty easy to learn and get started with KMM.

2- Code sharing.

KMM enables developers to write shared code that can be utilized across multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS. This reduces development time and effort by eliminating the need to write separate codebases for each platform.

3- Efficient Development

With KMM, developers can leverage their existing Kotlin skills and knowledge to build mobile applications for multiple platforms. This streamlines the development process and allows for faster iteration and deployment.

4- Native Performance

KMM leverages platform-specific optimizations to ensure native performance for each target platform. It transforms Kotlin code into either Java bytecode for Android or native binaries via LLVM for iOS, delivering optimal performance across platforms.

5- Unified APIs

KMM provides a unified API surface that abstracts platform-specific differences. This allows developers to write platform-agnostic code while still accessing platform-specific functionality when needed.

6- Rapid Prototyping

KMM enables developers to quickly prototype and iterate on mobile app ideas by sharing code and logic across platforms. This accelerates the development cycle and helps bring ideas to market faster.

7- Reduced Maintenance

By sharing code across platforms, developers can significantly reduce maintenance efforts. Updates and bug fixes made to shared code will automatically be reflected on all platforms, eliminating the need to make changes separately for each platform.

8- Team Collaboration

KMM promotes better collaboration between developers working on different platforms. By sharing code and logic, teams can work together more effectively, improving productivity and reducing communication barriers.

9- Cost Efficiency

By sharing code and resources, KMM helps reduce development costs associated with building separate codebases for each platform. It allows businesses to reach a wider audience with their mobile applications while optimizing their development budget.

These benefits highlight the advantages that Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile brings to cross-platform mobile app development, making it a powerful and efficient choice for building applications for multiple platforms simultaneously.


In conclusion, Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) revolutionizes cross-platform app development by enabling code sharing, ensuring native performance, and offering a unified development experience. It streamlines development, reduces maintenance efforts, promotes team collaboration, and integrates with existing Kotlin libraries and frameworks. With KMM, businesses can prototype rapidly, future-proof their applications, and achieve cost efficiency. Overall, KMM is a game-changer in the mobile app development landscape, delivering enhanced efficiency and collaboration.

I encourage readers to leave their comments and insights on the article. If there’s anything you feel is missing or have further questions, please share your thoughts and feedback. Your input is valuable and will contribute to the ongoing discussion around Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) and its benefits in cross-platform app development.

I look forward to connecting with you again in my upcoming articles.

