AIre DataBank Deep Dive #3 — Blockchain System

ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2021

In the past two articles (#1, #2), we explained the big picture of AIre Databank, AIre app and Data management system. In this article, we explain the one rest of the three services that make up AIre Databank, which is Blockchain system.

The big picture of AIre Data Bank and Blockchain System

Why AIre Databank Need Blockchain System?

The main reason is to secure traceability and transparency of data usage and data transaction between users and corporate customers. As we said in mission-vision-value statement, data should be literally owned by users and users’ consent is required to provide data. And the data must be tamper-proof, transparent and accurate for the corporate customers. In addition, high security is necessary to prevent data leakage and unauthorized use of data. To realize those properties, we have concluded that blockchain is the best fit!

Blockchain system consists of six separate components, as shown in the figure below. The main component is data management. This component manages all the data that is registered to AIre Databank. Please note that this component doesn’t keep any raw data to preserve data privacy. Raw data must be stored on decentralized data storage such as IPFS and blockchain keeps only the hash and location of the data. Consent management component manages users’ consent that express which users have authorized which data for which corporate customers. Payment Engine defines the price of the data. In AIre Databank, payments will be done via ARX, so that Payment Engine depends on ARX for payment assets. By using those components, access control and management can be realized. In the left hand of the figure, we can see identity management. Identity can be formed by the set of the data.

Blockchain System Component

Databank Smart Contract and AIre Chain

Databank Smart Contract implements all of the aforementioned components by using the smart contract feature of Blockchain. Now we are trying to develop the components on Ethereum, though its performance and transaction fee are really not good for both users and corporate customers.

So we plan to develop our original blockchain, named AIre Chain. This blockchain will be specifically designed and developed for AIre Databank. We want to realize high transaction throughput, low transaction latency, low transaction fee and fork-less update of the blockchain. In the future, current ARX issued on Ethereum will be migrated to AIre Chain.

We have already finished the PoC of AIre Chain. We used Parity Substrate to develop the prototype, with cooperation of Stake Technologies which is the company developing Plasm/Shiden network.

Next Article?

In the past three articles, we explained details of AIre Databank. But we think you want to know the future plan and roadmap of our project. So in the next article, we will refer to that! Please follow us on Twitter and Telegram so you don’t miss any announcement!

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