AIre Databank on Testnet Report

ARCS Official
ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2022

AIre Databank, an Answer to Earn service provided by the ARCS project, conducted a community-limited test on Testnet in September 2022, and we are pleased to announce the results.

1. AIre Databank Service Overview

AIre Databank is a service committed to solving the problems of the current data collection system by collecting personal data from individual users and selling it to corporate clients.

We envision the main uses of Internet media as the collection of statistical information and fact-checking of articles.

In addition, as the problem of fake news has become a social issue in recent years, we are considering using the service to reward users who contribute to the discovery of fake news.

2. Outline of Test

・Test Period:

September 1, 2022 — September 30, 2022

・Test Scope:

Users were invited to use the AIre Databank service on Testnet to collect feedback to improve the AIre Databank service, including bug reports and ideas for improvement.


5 users who participated in the test and submitted feedback received 1,000 ARX every week. (20 users and 20,000 ARX in total during test period)

3. Participants

Approximately 580 users participated in this test, of which a total of 489 provided feedback.

Approximately 150 users responded to the questions, accepted the offer, and completed whole purchase process. An analysis of the responses is as follows.

4. Feedback

・AIre Databank Service:

AIre Databank’s services were rated on a 5-point scale.

90.3% of users rated Good or better (65.7% of them Very Good).

5: Very Good

4: Good

3: Indifferent

2: Not Good

1: Not Very Good

・Bug Report:

Through this test, we were able to find 10 bugs. We will continue to make improvements to provide more stable service in the future.

・Features and User Experience:

We have received requests for additional features such as the addition of a dark mode and batch responses, as well as comments regarding the lack of clarity of some of the features. We will continue to improve our service to provide a superior user experience.

5. Conclusion

Approximately 580 users participated in this test, of which a high percentage (489 users) provided feedback.

We appreciate the continued interest in the AIre Databank from so many people, with 83% of the test participants also participating in the beta test.

The response to the release of AIre Databank on the Testnet was greater than expected, which was a pleasant surprise, but we will continue to make improvements based on your feedback as we work toward the official release.

The official release of the AIre Databank is currently scheduled for December 2022.

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