AIre incubation will connect technology, society, and business

Mathias Glintborg
ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2020

- Alre enter incubation business

IFA’s Alre blockchain project will enter the incubation business. The incubation aims to combine global trends with the best from Japan. We asked Kunihiro Katsuragi, COO of IFA, about the purpose of this new initiative. Below is a summary of his replies based on the original Japanese article:

A place for all players to participate

“We want to create a place where everyone can flatly discuss blockchain in Japan.”

AIre aims to bridge all aspects of blockchain, such as technology, business, society, and regulations.

“We would like to bring private companies, market participants, governments, and global players together and disseminate how Japan will advance its blockchain.”

How Japan can lead the world

While the debate over the regulation of cryptocurrencies is booming around the world, Mr.Katsuragi stressed that “We should tailwind the headwind.”

One approach is the European which emphasizes technology and impact on society. Another approach is the Asian which emphasizes investment and business. The last approach is the American, which emphasizes regulatory aspects.

“Japan seems to take cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology from the financial aspect and break it down from there. Maybe they are avoiding substantive debate and moving toward a U.S. style.”

From Mr.Katsuragi’s point of view, the debate over cryptocurrencies and blockchain in Japan seems to be heavily influenced by the U.S. style, which emphasizes regulation over innovation.

One approach alone cannot capture the new trend of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. This awareness of the problem led to this incubation business. They intend to create a place to discuss the factors of technology, business, and regulations, in a well-balanced manner.

Removing the negative image of cryptocurrencies

The incubation business, will promote activities such as business matching and policy proposals, but the most important thing is education.

“Considering the paradigm shift, we should change the negative orientation in Japan. I think there is a trend in Japan that everything is denied once its reputation collapses. The first is to break away from the negative image.”

He emphasized the great role of removing the negative image of cryptocurrencies and ICOs that spread during the 2017 bubble. To do so, we believe that educating the correct knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchain is a shortcut.

For him, what he felt in Switzerland was a great hint.

“When I visited a Swiss travel agency, I had some talk with the management about crypto and was surprised how much knowledge they had. We discussed blockchain and cryptocurrencies for two hours.”

In Switzerland, the government has been promoting cryptocurrencies and blockchain and there is a region called Crypto Valley. The consciousness of learning the cryptocurrency and blockchain was also high among the people.

“Switzerland has a referendum, so each one is trying to gain knowledge. With the correct knowledge, you know what to regulate and what are the risks. It’s necessary to change our perception that everything is risk and everything is evil.”

Started building a parent organization in 2019

AIre will promote the creation of an organization that will be the base of the incubation business. At the same time, they plan to launch a study session. The first study session took place in December 2019, with the aim of holding it on a monthly basis throughout 2020.

Participants will be widely recruited. As mentioned above, they will call on a wide range of people, including domestic and foreign companies, governments and experts.

Mr.Katsuragi believes that there is a wide range of potential uses for blockchain in the future. One example is regional revitalization. “The issue of tokens by local governments should apply,” he said. If the token is a visualization of credit, the locals are best suited. The future that local governments with a fixed fan base and a reputation as the issuer create a token economy is “theoretically valid.”

The wider the use of blockchain and tokens spreads, the wider the community base. A place where newcomers can easily participate and have a flat discussion is the form of the community that AIre aims for.

We also consider participation from overseas to be important.

It is a way to open Japan to the world that overseas companies which want to enter the Japanese market understand the Japanese context and create a community with domestic stakeholders.

In the future, the model is also considered which the community itself, the parent of the incubation, use the blockchain.

“For example, I think there is a direction to use blockchain for decision-making and voting in the community. For social implementation, we want to use the technology on our own as a demonstration experiment.”

Mr. Katsuragi stressed that “It may be too idealistic, but we can’t change society unless we have big dreams and goals.” he is keen on creating a new community even though “it will be a long way.

White paper

