AIreDatabank Limited Service Release for the Community (2022/8/31)

ARCS Official
ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
6 min readAug 31, 2022

Service of Databank will be released exclusively to the community

The ARCS project will finally launch the AIreDatabank product that we have been developing. Firstly, we’re rolling out a marketing solution for businesses and an Answer to Earn app for individuals exclusively to the community.

Aim of Databank Service

There are two aims of the marketing solution for companies. One is to understand the thoughts of consumers and customers. The other is intended for use by companies to make data-driven decisions.

Answers to surveys can be said to be the real voices of consumers and customers. Companies can create contact points with customers through surveys. This allows companies to understand the customer’s needs and find the best way to follow up and approach them. Surveys can be one of the few valuable methods to specifically capture the thoughts and desires of consumers and customers.

Conducting surveys allows companies to understand the opinions of their customers that they may not have been aware of. It is possible to know the representativeness of opinions as well as refer to each opinion.

A well-conducted survey can also quantify the opinions and behaviors of consumers and customers. The data can also be used to make decisions for the company.

Examples of Databank Surveys

For example, AIreDatabank allows company (Buyer) to create a survey that asks the following questions.


How do you usually check new information about blockchain?

Answer Options:



□Social media of stakeholders




Alternatively, company (Buyer) can create open-ended question such as:


Are there any themes, people, companies, projects or events that you would like us to be covered by cryptomedia in the future?

User (Seller) can receive rewards by answering surveys created by companies (Buyer).

How to use Databank

AIre Databank Guide: How to Get Started Databank in 6 Steps

Step1. Add BSC Testnet to Your MetaMask

1. Go to

2. Turn TESTNET toggle on

3. Click Connect Wallet to connect your MetaMask

4. Click Approve to add BSC Testnet

5. Click Switch network to connect to BSC Testnet

6. Your MetaMask is successfully configured for BSC Testnet

Step2. Get BNB in BSC Testnet

1. Go to

2. Copy & Paste your wallet address to the website

3. Click Give me BNB > 0.5BNBs to get BNB

4. BNBs are successfully sent to your wallet

Step3. Mint ARX Token in BSC Testnet

1. Go to

2. Search ARX address: 0x3840FAc6A66ce0d5B5E5E30c70C2c7DCa8F9D75E

3. Switch to Contract tab and click Write Contract button

4. Click Connect to Web3

5. Choose Metamask

6. Tick your MetaMask account and click Next

7. Click Connect

8. Read the alert message and click OK

9. Open a new tab and go to

10. Enter amount that you want to mint ARX (1000 ARX in this example) in Ether field

11. Copy value in Wei field

12. Back to BSCScan page and paste the copied value to amount (unint256) field of 4. mint and click Write

13. Click Confirm to accept the transaction

14. Click Import tokens, enter ARX address to Token Contract Address field and click Add Custom Token and Import Tokens

ARX address: 0x3840FAc6A66ce0d5B5E5E30c70C2c7DCa8F9D75E

15. ARX token is successfully added and the minted ARX is displayed

Step4. Log in Databank Seller Page

1. Go to

2. Click Seller Log in

3. Click Login with metamask

4. Tick your account to connect and click Next and Connect

5. Click Sign (If Signature Request is not displayed, please repeat 4.&5.)

6. You successfully login Databank Seller page

Step5. Deposit ARX

1. Click Deposit in Wallet tab

2. Choose the amount that you want to deposit and click Deposit

*Higher deposit will be qualified higher Seller Rank and get ARX paid more

3. Confirm the amount to deposit and click Confirm

4. Confirm the estimated gas fee and click Confirm again to perform transaction

5. Amount of deposit will be displayed in your Wallet

Step6. Answer Question to Earn

1. Click Question button to display questions

2. Answer questions and click Answer button to send

3. Question that you answered will disappear and success message will be displayed

4. When Buyer is interested in your answer, you will receive an offer in Offer tab (*Databank operation team will send offer at random during this testing phase.)

5. Click Accept to accept the offer and sell your answer, then success message will be displayed

6. After Buyer confirms and approves your answer, you will receive ARX in your Wallet (*Databank operation team will confirm and approve at random during this testing phase.)

7. Click Withdrawal if you would like to withdraw ARX

8. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw, click Withdrawal and Confirm

Rewards for Participation in the Databank Trial

We would like to invite you to participate in the Databank trial and get your feedback.

We have set aside 20,000ARX as reward for the community members who will participate in the Testnet and raise a bug report or suggest ways of improving the Databank.

We will make 5 random selections from those who meet the conditions to receive 1000ARX each weekly for 4 weeks.

That is, 5000ARX would be shared weekly and equally among 5 random Databank testers.

Next Update

The next article is scheduled to be published in September.

The update of ARCS project roadmap was supposed to be released in August but has been delayed. This is because we have reflected on the fact that we have not met the expectations of ARCS holders over the past year, and we believe that we need to make more significant changes not only to improve our business and products, but also to execute a market strategy about ARCS tokens for improving its price therefore we have been considering and negotiating with our business partners.

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