$ARX BSC Bridge Community Testing Go-live!

ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
6 min readFeb 5, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that the $ARX bridge between Ethereum and BSC(Binance Smart Chain) is go-live for community testing purposes 🚀 In this announcement, we explain the objective of the community testing and how to use the bridge.

The community testing bridge is available here:

The objective of the community testing

We want to improve the user interface to offer all users more efficient and comfortable usage of the bridge. And, we also want to verify that there are no high security risks on the bridge. To confirm these two points, we just started the community testing, where all ARCS community members can use the bridge.

Any comments related to the bridge are welcome on Twitter and Telegram! Please kindly let us know any feedback from our great and kind community members.

Important Note⚠️

The community testing version is connected to the Ropsten network for Etheruem and testnet for BSC. Please always confirm that you are connecting your wallet to the test network. In the step-by-step guide below, we will navigate you to connect your wallet to the test network.

The ARCS team doesn’t assure any asset losses by using the community testing version of the bridge. Also, the ARCS team never asks you to transfer any assets to the team. Please be careful of scammers!

Step-by-step guide to use the bridge

In this guide, we assume that you use Metamask on Chrome. If you use a different wallet and browser, please follow the guide of your preferences.

Metamask Configuration

First of all, you need to connect your Metamask to the Ropsten network and the BSC testnet.

Ropsten network

Please click the Network selection tab on the top-right. If you are new to the Metamask, you can see the messages Show/hide test networks. Please click there.

Then you are navigated to the “Show test networks” section on the Advanced tab in the settings. Please turn on the toggle switch.

Now you can see the Ropsten Test Network along with some other test networks.

BSC Testnet

To add BSC testnet is slightly troublesome. First of all, please open the network selection tab.

You can find the Add Network button. Please click that.

You can see the Add a network page. Then please fill in the information as follows:

Network Name: BSC Testnet
New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/
Chain ID: 97
Currency Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com/

Click Save. Then the following screen is shown.

Now you’re ready to connect Ropsten and BSC testnet!

Get testnet tokens from Faucet

To interact with smart contract, you need ETH and BNB on test networks in your wallet.

Get ETH test token

Please access the faucet for the Ropsten network.

Then click the button “request 1 ether from faucet”

Then the following screen might be popped-up. Please click Next. You are navigated to the Faucet page again. Please click the button “request 1 ether from faucet” again.

If the request succeeds, you can find 1 ETH in your wallet on the Ropsten network.

Currently the Ropsten Faucet seems unstable due to the large request. So you might not be able to get your test ETH even if you requested the faucet. In that case, please try again after a few minutes.

Get BNB test token

Please access the faucet for the BSC testnet.

Then input your wallet address in the input field, and click Give me BNB and select 1 BNB. After a few minutes, you will receive 1 BNB in your wallet!

Adding test $ARX to Metamask

You need to import the test $ARX token on Metamask. First of all, please switch to the appropriate network from the network selection tab. Then you can find “Import tokens” text under the Assets tab. Click the text.

Then the “Import Tokens” window is shown. Please input the following addresses to the Token Contract Address field.

Ropsten test $ARX contract address

BSC Testnet test $ARX contract address

The Token Symbol and Token Decimal automatically appeared. Then click Add Custom Token on the page, and click Import Tokens on the next page.

Then you’re ready to show your balance of the test $ARX on Ropsten and BSC test network!

Get test $ARX

Access to the test $ARX contract page on Ropsten explorer.

Connect your Metamask to the explorer.

Then open the “mint” tab, input your wallet address and the amount of the test $ARX you want. Please do not forget to add 18 decimals to your amount! If you want 1,000 ARX, you can input the following amount.


And to avoid the scammers, we restrict the max mintable amount to 10,000 ARX.

Then click the “Write” button, and confirm the transaction on Metamask. After a few seconds, you can see you have some test $ARX on your wallet.

Connect Wallet to the Bridge

Congratulations! Now you’re ready to interact with the Bridge and transfer your ERC20 ARX on Ethereum to BEP20 ARX on BSC.

First, let’s access the page below.

You can see the “Connect Wallet” button on top-right. Click the button to connect your Metamask to the Bridge.

Approve Token Transfer

When you access the Bridge for the first time, you need to approve token transfer to the Bridge. For that, let’s choose ERC20 as the From, and BEP20 as the To. Then you can now click the “Approve Token” button. Once you click the button, Metamask appears. Please confirm the transaction.

Swap Tokens

Finally, you can swap tokens! Select ERC20 as the From, BEP20 as the To, input the amount to be swapped in the Details field. Then click the “Send Tokens”button. Please confirm the transaction on Metamask.

After the transaction confirmation, you can see the message, saying “switching to Binance Smart Chain.” But for now, please switch your network to BSC testnet instead of mainnet.

Once you switched the network, you can click the RECEIVE button as below.

If everything goes well, you can see the result screen. Click END button to return the main screen.

Congratulations!! Now you can see your specified amount of ARX was swapped from Ethereum to BSC. In my case, I swapped 400 ARX.

We hope this step-by-step guide helps you to enjoy the Bridge.

* * *

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