canow takes ARCS into incubation

Mathias Glintborg
ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2020

On 18 September 2020 canow took over the governance of ARCS and enrolled the project into its incubation service.

IFA initiated ARCS and has until now matured it with a strong focus on data banking and digital identity. canow is committed to take on the responsibility to realize ARCS vision about fair data and reward distribution.

Masashi Mizukura, president of IFA says “I’m excited about this collaboration. We established and developed our vision through ARCS and trust canow will continue the development and make it bigger and more successful”

Kunihiro Katsuragi, CEO of canow says “I’m excited to be part of it. Although we are facing obstacles, I believe that good things come with the good results. We will put our best effort to make ARCS successful and one of the best brands in the crypto industry”

Strategic focus on digital identity

ARCS are in dialogue with several partners, primarily Japanese, to onboard them for digital identity solutions. Based on previous PoC, ARCS is continuing the implementation of DID to enable canow partners build their digital ID solutions.

