Digital identity with AIre-chain

Mathias Glintborg
ARCS(ARX) Official
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2020

Two central elements of AIre network are data banking mechanisms and digital identity. In the blockchain world, everything starts with an identity, weather it’s a person, a business or an object. This article takes a deep dive into the digital identity concept AIre team strives to implement with AIre-chain.

Two worlds, different needs

Fundamentally, there’s a need to verify who network participants are and what they claim to be when transactions and commerce with personal data takes place — equally important is to verify trustworthiness and source of data. With other words, there’s a need to verify everyone’s identity and claims.

This is easy to do in the real world because we have official IDs issued by trusted entities, which most people trust. These are used in many aspects of our lives e.g. passport for visa applications and university diplomas for job applications. This is not how it works on the internet!

On the internet we often use universal logins or social media accounts as notion for identity profile e.g. Gmail. These profiles holds valuable personal information and are registered in databases that belongs to big corporations e.g. Facebook — they basically sits between us and what we do online. We think this result in two problems:

  1. We trust these corporations to keep our personal information safe — we believe personal digital identities belongs to the users
  2. We create digital identity profiles our self without anyone making sure weather the information is true or false — we believe that digital identities should include verifiable claims, also know as credentials, in order to align them with real-world identities

Digital identity with AIre-chain

We believe that we can implement Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) to provide digital identity for users to verify accurate information in a way where the users control the personal information. We want to make digital identity controllable, trustworthy, and easy.

Digital identities can hold verifiable claims from trustworthy sources e.g. KYC, governments, banks, universities. This is credentials just like in the physical world, but digital in a digital wallet which users are 100% in control of. When using the digital identity, users can choose and pick what data or credentials to present and how to present it — this is also called a proof. The proof can be verified on the blockchain.

White paper

