Nunaaqqit Savaqatigivlugich — working with communities: evolving collaborations around an Alaska Arctic observatory and knowledge hub (Iñupiaq)

Conceptual diagram of the suite of observing activities currently supported by the Alaska Arctic Observatory and Knowledge Hub (AAOKH). Each observer provides regular narrative observations (and photos) of sea ice or ocean conditions (depending on season), weather, wildlife, travel (on ice or ocean) conditions, flooding, or erosion, building on the regular narrative observations of the seasonal ice zone established by the Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) (Eicken et al. 2014). Some communities also have special K-12 education and outreach events and specialized observing protocols for ocean measurements (temperature, salinity, productivity), sea ice thickness and snow depth to assess travel hazards and break-up processes (e.g., Mahoney et al. 2021), and mapping/measuring ice thickness on snowmachine trails used by whaling crews on the landfast ice (Druckenmiller et al. 2013).

Read this open access paper on the Arctic Science website.

Aippaañin taimaŋŋa qaŋa Iñupiat iñuuŋaruat irituruami nunami. Iñupiat ilitqusiat ikayuutaullaruq sivunmuktaagutauluni. AAOKH-kuayaat kaŋiqsimavlugu taamna tuŋulliḷiqsugait. AAOKH allaŋuaqsiruq. Tuŋulliḷivsaaqtugut qiñiqtiruallumun, suli nunaaqqimiuguruallu. Nunaaqqiruallu, naipiqtuqtillu iḷisaqtuallu taputaurut tavruuna qimilġuurit ilaumiut uvuuna maqpiġaakun. Atauchikunlu sivunniugutaulutiglu.

Tikisaksraŋit uvva:
· Tuŋulliḷiqsuglugit naipiqtuqtuat aglaaŋisigunlu.
· Savalgusiglugich ikayuġniagivut iñuuniaġviŋisat irrusiat.
· Aulaqisaagmilugich iḷisaasraŋich nunaaqich iḷisaqtiŋitsalu aulariŋisalu.
Qaunakkutich atuġai sivunniŋat. Atautchikun kaŋiqsillasisugługu.

Read the paperNunaaqqit Savaqatigivlugich — working with communities: evolving collaborations around an Alaska Arctic observatory and knowledge hub by Donna D.W. Hauser, Roberta Tuurraq Glenn, Elizabeth D. Lindley, Kimberly Kivvaq Pikok, Krista Heeringa, Joshua Jones, Billy Adams, Joe Mello Leavitt, Guy Norman Omnik, Robert Schaeffer, Carla SimsKayotuk, Elena Bautista Sparrow, Alexandra M. Ravelo, Olivia Lee, and Hajo Eicken



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