Why does performance in Data Visualization matter?

Nikolai Arsenov
Arction Ltd
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017
LightningChart signal analyzer


Performance is bearing in itself a description of how well a machine, product, etc. does a piece of work. In data visualization field it means how fast, powerful and easy it is to use visualization components. Visualization performance comprises techniques and technologies that can aid developers, analysts and scientists in improving time, energy, and other resources efficiency in their software, or even lead to improving quality and expanding data resolution.

Performance is needed for rendering and presentation of huge data amounts with human-computer interaction and graphics technologies which include such aspects as hardware performance, computation, and system visualization. It is also an essential concept for high-performance computing (HPC) simulation and monitoring systems in a wide range of economic and scientific fields: energy production, aerospace, astrophysics, medicine, meteorology, stock analytics, trading, etc.

Which characteristics should a component have to be considered high-performance?

Being ahead of competition in visualization:
– Real-time monitoring without flickering or delays
– High-resolution datasets
– Interactivity
– Utilizing machine resources efficiently
– Ability to render data with older machine hardware, keeping all points mentioned above.

Applications, for which having high performance is crucial:

  • Energy. E.g. in power plants, performance is needed for gathering data from generators very accurately, monitoring environmental conditions and providing overall stability in measurements to prevent accidents. Vibration monitoring gives prediction when to shut down machinery at the optimal time for bearing replacement, minimizing down-time costs.
  • Trading. E.g. in stock exchanges, performance is crucial for parallel tracking of stock data streams and analyzing them in several monitors.
  • Medicine. E.g. in hospitals, performance is required for monitoring patients’ conditions and providing overall stability in gathering huge data sets, assuring correct healthcare decisions.
  • Meteorology. E.g. in weather stations, performance is needed for measuring atmospheric conditions to provide accurate images about weather forecasts, and to study climate changes.
  • Space and defense. E.g. in mission control centers, performance is essential for flight simulation and monitoring before, during and after the launch of spacecraft into orbit.
Heat dissipation of a vehicle engine simulation with LightningChart


Cambridge University Press 2016, dictionary: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/diction … erformance

Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) (2014), STAR — State of The Art Report, R. Borgo, R. Maciejewski, and I. Viola (Editors), State of the Art of Performance Visualization: http://graphics.cs.ucdavis.edu/~hamann/ … 142014.pdf



Nikolai Arsenov
Arction Ltd

Software Developer and QA specialist at Arction Ltd.