How We Use Content Management to Create Lovable Apps

Leticia Oliveira
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2023

At ArcTouch, we’ve perfected our design and development techniques over nearly 15 years. But a less well known, but not less important, part of our proven process is content management.

The content of an app or website is very important for its success, and at ArcTouch this is taken seriously. Which is why we have Content Managers — dedicated experts that make sure the right content is in the right place, and that it’s organized and easy to manage. They are present on projects from the very start — working with designers to make sure modules and page templates are optimized, and with developers to help create the best admin forms and, of course, manage all the content to create amazing final products for users.

I’ve been working as a Content Manager for almost seven years now and in this post, I’ll explain how Content Management is a key ingredient to the ArcTouch Secret Sauce, and help you understand more about how it helps build lovable products.

What does a Content Manager do on ArcTouch?

The role of a Content Manager is really dynamic. One day we could be creating a website using modules and templates, on another we could be updating content on spreadsheets for dynamic banners. We are responsible for managing the content across the planning, development and maintenance phases.

Content Managers at ArcTouch don’t create or edit content. Instead, we manage the content created by our clients or our partner agencies and make sure everything goes on the right place, is organized and looks great. We make sure it follows standards and it’s all categorized and named properly so it’s easy to perform maintenance in the future.

Why did you become a Content Manager?

When I started working at ArcTouch almost 7 years ago I was a QA Tester and had never really thought about Content Management. Around two months after I joined the company, I had the opportunity to start working on content management tasks. I got to work on a project where we created multiple versions of a website, each one for a different country. I just fell in love with it right away. I’m a person who loves to organize, make sure everything is clear, in its right place and looks the best as it could. I enjoyed QA, but learned that Content Management area was really where I was supposed to be.

What tools are most commonly used when working with content?

Projects that use a Content Management System (CMS) are usually the ones that require dedicated Content Managers. At ArcTouch we have expertise with Sitecore, Drupal, AEM, Wordpress, Umbraco, Contentstack, Contentful, and more. Our team is also responsible for managing content for dynamic banners too, as well as building email campaigns and sometimes even handling content on static websites. We use tools like Beepro, Salesforce and Excel spreadsheets. The work is really dynamic and we are always facing new challenges and experiencing new tools.

What is a typical day like?

Content Managers face different tasks and use new tools for each project. A typical day is different depending on the project type and stage. In the beginning of a new project, a Content Manager could be working on modeling the data with the design, development and product teams. In the middle of a project, a Content Manager could be building a website, creating pages and adding modules with all the content. At the end, a Content Manager could be training clients to use the CMS. It really is a diverse role and has lots of different responsibilities.

How does a Content Manager work with other team members?

As a Content Manager we collaborate across the whole team. We export/optimize images, but we don’t create them, so whenever we need a new asset we work with a Designer. We do some minor HTML/code updates, but if there is a bug or a more complex CSS formatting, we work with a Developer. Our job is dynamic but it really ends where other roles begin. We collaborate with Product Managers, helping to define requirements for content strategy and admin forms. We help QA create content for tests. It truly is a cross-functional role.

What are good qualities for someone interested in Content Management?

To be a Content Manager you need to be very organized, pay attention to details, be curious, and proactive. You need to understand the content and why each type of content goes where it goes. It’s important to have a clear holistic view of the project. You need to ensure no content is missing, and make sure there isn’t a broken or missing link in sites that can be hundreds of pages. You need to have great communication and time management skills, love learning new things, and take ownership in the results.

It is amazing how complex and full of possibilities the work of a Content Manager is. To handle the content of a whole website is a huge responsibility and a lot of work, but it is worth it to see the effort having a major impact on the quality of our work. I’m proud of being part of ArcTouch, in this wonderful role where I never stop learning, growing and making the difference to our clients.



Leticia Oliveira
Writer for

Master Digital Content Management Analyst at ArcTouch