My First 3 Months at ArcTouch

Vanessa Giannoni
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2022

What it’s like to be a junior software engineer at ArcTouch

If you read my post about my first week at ArcTouch, you already know a bit about what it’s like to get a job at ArcTouch, what the onboarding experience is like for new hires, and how I was studying Vue.js for my first project.

It’s been 90 days! And alot of things have happened. I would like to share a little bit of my experience here as a junior software engineer, the people I work with, and of course how my project been is going.

New Tech Manager?! Bigger Team. New Opportunity.

As I mentioned previously, here at ArcTouch we each have a Tech Manager that guides you during your time here. They help find a project that best matches your skills and career goals while you are working here at ArcTouch. Since the last post I was fortunate to get a new Tech Manager.

Our team has grown alot, and that’s given me the opportunity to be a peer buddy. A peer buddy helps new ArcTouch team members to feel welcome and get all their questions answered during their onboarding period.

A Culture of Feedback

At ArcTouch regular feedback to teammates is encouraged and welcome. We use Impraise to request and collect the feedback. I have received technical feedback from my project teammates, and it’s helped me frame my discussions with my Tech Manager about what I could do differently.

My First Project — OMG!

My first experience on a project here on ArcTouch has been awesome!

I started on some simple project tasks and my teammates were very welcoming. We worked together to solve challenges when I had them.

What I enjoyed the most:

  • I got a project with a stack that I didn’t know about, but I got time to learn 🤓 — I enjoy working with Vue.js.
  • My teammate already knew the stack, so I felt confident and comfortable asking for help. 🙏
  • Everyone here is very accessible and friendly. 🤝

We opted for atomic design in the front-end and I had the opportunity to do some code reviews of the other developers — a first time for everything.

The most challenging part of the project was related to accessibility. I got my first experience with a11y and will cover this in a future post.

My ArcTouch experience so far

My first 3 months at ArcTouch has been an awesome experience. Being a junior software developer here does not make you any less than the rest of the team. I have had meaningful and challenging work, have learned alot, and have had plenty of support from my teammates and Tech Manager.

If you want to be a part of the ArcTouch team, view our careers.

Who knows, maybe you’ll be my next peer buddy!



Vanessa Giannoni
Writer for

Software Engineer @ FranklinCovey via @ Ubiminds | B-tech Analysis and systems development | Web developer | Writer in my spare time