Organizational Culture: Do You Know What’s Happening in Your Company?

Cindy Francês
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2021

I was recently appalled by the sexual harassment scandal at Activision, a company I’ve always admired as a model of culture and focus on people.

California filed a lawsuit against Activision, alleging sexual and moral harassment against female employees. More than 40 incidents were cited, and since then, the company has been under pressure from the public, employees, and investors. This had been going on for years and only just came to light.

How did Activision let this happen?

Maybe it happened slowly. Minor abuses here and there, until it gradually became considered “ok” in their company culture. And as it became more ok, the abusers felt more comfortable perpetuating this behavior.

How about you? What is your company’s culture?

What is organizational culture

Every company has a complex set of habits, beliefs, values, attitudes, norms, languages, and a unique dynamic across its members, which define how the company conducts its business.

The organizational culture is the company’s own identity. It represents the way employees think, feel, and act, which is then passed on and validated by everyone. New employees learn and embrace the culture and perpetuate it.

The importance of organizational culture

The organizational culture guides human behavior through change and improvement in companies. It is a reference for employees to model and drives them to pursue their goals. Therefore by reinforcing it, we take the company’s reins with greater ownership and guide teams towards success.

A good culture can motivate the team and help them grow along with the organization, just as a poor culture can push the company in the wrong direction, creating a toxic work environment.

At ArcTouch our organizational culture emerged from our vision, purpose, and values. These ​​did not come exclusively from the founders — as done by many companies — but they grew organically from our day-to-day work and interactions with our colleagues and our clients. The employees helped create the standards for how we measure ourselves. And that’s amazing!

The benefits of strong organizational culture

A strong organizational culture can increase employee productivity and strengthen the organization.

According to company culture studies by the University of Warwick and the Surrey School of Business, organizational culture strengthens interpersonal relationships and connections within the company, nurturing the employees’ well-being and helping them reach their maximum potential.

In addition, the organizational culture is essential in retaining talent, as it motivates employees to align their own values ​​with the company’s purposes.

The result is professionals who see the company’s goals as if they were their own goals, who are dedicated and are proud not only of their work but of the organization.

How culture affects employee satisfaction

Conducting appropriate climate surveys is crucial. They act as a thermometer to measure employee satisfaction and identify critical issues.

At ArcTouch we have started a monthly program based on the PERMA model, created by Martin Seligman, to help measure the quality of the company environment and the well-being of employees. It is based on feelings and emotions and seeks to adopt a broader view of the human being, one that values potential, motivation, and skills, without ignoring or denying psychological pathologies and disorders.

In addition to understanding each employee’s “temperature” at the moment, it is also the organization’s responsibility to promote integration among them through events, get-togethers and training, and to acknowledge when employees have actions and behaviors that reinforce the company values.

When we work for companies with inspiring values, we unlock our creative and innovative to the full potential. Sounds a little romantic, but it’s real: Emotional energy comes from what we believe and value.

The role of leadership in organizational culture

Leadership is essential to promote organizational culture, as they are the ambassadors and champions of the company. The leaders at ArcTouch are very aligned with the company’s mission and values, and through their behaviors continually motivate and encourage our teams to do the same.

According to this research, only a third of the companies are satisfied with their leaders. To change this situation, leadership must commit to the organizational culture and prioritize the values ​​in each action with the teams.

The organizational culture is a company’s most valuable legacy.

It determines the essence and history of the organization.

Activision may be known for its games, but it may be remembered as a company that didn’t stand tall for its organizational culture and values.

What do you want your company to be remembered for?



Cindy Francês

Mentora de Liderança Humanizada | + de 10 anos no corporativo | Mãe, Gestora, e idealizadora do Ela Lidera ✨ Acesse: