ASPA Partner Focus #8 — Announcing the Latest Stake Pool Operators Partnering with Ardana

Ardana Hub
5 min readDec 15, 2021


Welcome to the eighth edition of our ASPA Partner Focus series. We have interviewed the latest new joiners and would like to share their mission and why they chose to be a part of the Cardano community and the Ardana project!



BonafideADA was launched in March 2021. Since then, it has built an online presence (Twitter) and a growing community it communicates daily via Telegram. The pool’s objective is to educate, increase awareness, and assist in adopting Cardano’s blockchain technology by the general public, while also contributing to the network’s security and decentralization. They intend to achieve this by regularly engaging on social media platforms, distributing educational content, and cultivating a lively community.

BonafideADA believes that Cardano’s decentralized, sustainable technology and governance model has the ability to significantly disrupt many of the legacy systems in use today. In addition, they think Cardano will provide the systems and tools necessary to create a more transparent and equitable economic model where the majority of global wealth is not in the hands of the top 1% of the population.

The team is excited to join Ardana because they see the project as an all-in-one DEFI protocol allowing for the exchange, lending, and borrowing of stablecoins backed by on-chain native assets and liquidity pools of stable assets. Also, having the ‘vault’ of assets overcollateralized is very assuring for end users.

They also stated that as an SPO, what’s most exciting is Ardana’s approach is the staking mechanism on Cardano, which allows for potential users to mint stablecoins as a loan, backed by ADA, while still receiving their staking rewards.

“This is truly special, and I believe it will significantly help stake pools retain ADA delegated to their pools, thus helping secure the underlying protocol of the ecosystem. “



This pool began as one of the first pools ever on the ITN and is now one of the largest stake pools in Germany. HRMS & HRMS2 is made up of IT and Marketing professionals and is heavily involved in the German-speaking community in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. The pool provides education and advice about Cardano and the crypto world. In addition, they strive to educate on behalf of their delegates and followers about tax regulations in Germany.

The founder has been involved with Cardano space 2017 and was an early believer in the Proof-of-Stake technology and its research-driven approach.

Ardana inspires HRMS & HRMS2 because of the decentralized stablecoin protocol plus DEX, which offers Cardano a wide range of DeFi options. The team considers this to be a winning combination for ADA holders.


LOOPS stake pool began in March 2021 and aims to add value to the Cardano community and those outside it by educating and providing valuable information through various mediums such as blogs, podcasts, videos, and more. They have several YouTube and podcast segments to spotlight mission-driven stake pools, projects being built within the Cardano ecosystem, and Cardano-based news.

LOOPS believes Cardano is the most peer-reviewed cryptocurrency and is the most researched. While other cryptocurrencies took the Silicon Valley approach: Run in, break things, and patch them later.

They also see the community surrounding Cardano as not being overly tribal and very interactive. “They are willing to help each other out, whether you have a question about staking or running a stake pool.”

LOOPS is delighted to work with Ardana and believes the project provides a unique DeFi service within the Cardano ecosystem. “It is one of the first of its kind that I have heard about within the ecosystem, and I am excited that Ardana is willing to work with the community through their Ardana Stake Pool Association.”

The stake pool first discovered Ardana from Ray of GROW pool when they interviewed them in their podcast, Podcast’s Pool Party Segment (MDSPs). After the discussion, they knew Ardana was a great initiative.


SAPIO is a fast-growing community founded by three Greek computer engineers; Nikos, Mixalis, and Dimitris. The pool aims to help, guide, and educate members on Cardano and Blockchain technology.

25% of the pool’s profits are donated to different organizations around the globe that go towards helping vulnerable people.

When the team first launched the pool, they wanted to make an impact on the Cardano ecosystem. In order to do this, they decided to create a community where people from all scientific backgrounds could come together to collaborate, discuss, guide, and help each other. As a result, the pool now has 500 members.

SAPIO believes one of the most exciting aspects of Ardana is the team. “There is a broad range of knowledge from technology to finance which is essential for a DeFi to succeed, brings confidence to the potential users.”


OZZY’s mission is to educate new crypto enthusiasts while raising money for cancer research. They believe Cardano has the perfect toolset and technology to support good causes around the world.

The pool is run by the Osborne family, who live in the UK. The founder is a senior network operations analyst whose father (nicknamed Ozzy) passed away two years ago. The pool was set up in his memory and to raise money for cancer research while supporting the decentralization of the Cardano network.

The family team believes Cardano is a project that knew what it wanted to accomplish and how it would get there from the start.

“It aims to give an identity and financial opportunities to those who do not currently have any.” They are confident that Cardano will achieve that goal.

OZZY is excited about joining Ardana and being able to leverage assets as collateral for stablecoins while remaining staked within a pool. They believe this is key to realizing the true potential of Cardano’s proof-of-stake protocol.

“Ardana will help with giving everyone access to financial support. We believe the project could help a whole new generation of crypto and blockchain enthusiasts make the most of the technology available and truly change this world.”


Thank you for reading the eighth article in the ASPA Partner Focus Series! We at Ardana understand that for DeFi on Cardano to flourish, stake pools must be engaged from inception to adoption. This is why we created ASPA, to engage stake pools that we align with to work towards the betterment of this ecosystem.

About Ardana

Ardana is Cardano’s stablecoin hub, bringing the necessary DeFi primitives needed to bootstrap & maintain any economy to Cardano. Ardana offers an on-chain asset-backed stablecoin and a decentralized stable-asset DEX. The stablecoin is verifiably backed by an excess of on-chain collateral and will enable borrowers to take leverage on their ADA or other supported assets. The DEX is a highly capital efficient exchange enabling swaps with minimal slippage & fees while providing low-risk yield opportunities to liquidity providers.

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