ARDATs — What You Need to Know!

Waynne Dartnall
Performance Lab
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

Meet ARDAT, the utility token that is the lifeblood of the Arda Smart Training Community.

ARDATs can be used to access Arda coaching service applications and modules plus a whole lot more. Let’s explore…

Rewarding users for healthy behavior

Since Performance Lab’s reason for being is to help users reach their health and fitness goals, ARDATs will be used to reward users for reaching milestones in their exercise journeys. And for each individual, the milestones will be personalized.

For example, ARDAT rewards could include:

  • setting up your first time ever Personal Training Plan
  • getting to the six-week mark in your Personal Training Plan
  • completing 75% of the suggested training
  • getting through the toughest week in your plan
  • adapting your training technique in response to the Real-Time coach
  • supporting others in the community

Compensating users for sharing data within the community

As a kind of decentralized marketplace, the Arda Smart Training Community connects users’ exercise data with the AI to make it meaningful and the buyers to make it valuable.

Buyers such as health insurers, retailers, advertisers and health researchers will pay in ARDATs to make targeted offers to users. Importantly, Arda puts users’ health and privacy back into their own hands as they get to decide how the data they generate is used. And they benefit by receiving ARDATs if and when they choose to share their data.

Purchasing goods through various loyalty schemes

ARDATs will be used to reward healthy behavior in even more engaging ways, through loyalty schemes.

For example, Performance Lab has recently partnered with REM loyalty, the most connected and rewarding loyalty platform of the crypo community. Users will be able to redeem ARDATs for rewards from any of REM Loyalty’s partners for things like unlimited global flights and hotels, accommodation, Uber rides, StubHub tickets and more. (And likewise, REM holders will be able to swap their tokens for ARDATs, strengthening and growing both communities).

Accessing data reports supplied within the Arda ecosystem

Gone are the days of blanket marketing promotions. With the meaningful insights provided by Arda, advertisers can make highly personalized, relevant and timely offers to users. By paying for any value-add offers in ARDATs, users also provide advertisers with the tokens needed to make their next offers. And so the ecosystem hums and cycles to everyone’s benefit.

The geeky stuff

ARDAT is a BCP compliant utility token, meeting the classification and risk assessment criteria created by Swiss law, tax and compliance firm, MME. The total number of ARDATs in circulation will be 900,000,000. And the maximum number of ARDATs to be issued in the token generating event (TGE) is 328,500,000.

Token distribution

During our token generating event, 36.5% of the total ARDAT tokens (328,500,000) will be allocated to investors. 25% (225,000,000) will be allocated to Performance Lab, 7.5% (67,500,000) to developers and 31% (27,900,000) will be reserved by the Performance Lab Platform.

The funds raised from the TGE will be used for:

  1. Sourcing and incentivizing new participants (both users and data consumers) who will enhance the Arda community for all participants
  2. Operational costs, infrastructure and developers
  3. Marketing and PR for the Performance Lab platform
  4. Supporting and growing the blockchain and Performance Lab developers community

I hope this overview of our Arda token has been useful. The Performance Lab team and I are certainly excited about the future of wellness that we are creating and the benefits that ARDATs can provide to everyone in our community.

The Arda Token Generating Event (TGE) is live now. To learn more and to buy tokens visit, or stay informed by joining our community on Telegram.

