Senior Developer To Bring ARDA Products To Life

Peter Hay
Performance Lab
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2018

A huge part of working at Performance Lab is really drilling down and understanding the problem our tech is trying to solve. You can’t do this from behind a computer screen, so it’s pretty cool that our new staff are already embracing our apps.

Christine Balanza joins us as a Senior Developer and already in her first week she generated a training plan and signed up for a series of 10K running events — a distance that will be a new personal best (PB) for her!

Originally from the Philippines, Christine was born and raised in a province called Bulacan (an hour’s drive from Manilla) where she spent a lot of her childhood chasing after her older brothers and doing “boyish things”. Little did she know this would serve her well later on in her career where she was often the only girl in a development team. (Refreshingly, at Performance Lab Christine joins a more diverse, evenly split team.)

“I’ve spent the last 15 years developing various applications using Java. For me, it’s really fascinating, discovering how you can improve things and learning from other people’s work.”

Christine moved to New Zealand in April last year and her last role was with Yellow NZ as a Senior Java Developer. Performance Lab will be her first in-depth foray into cloud development. Christine brings a ‘can do’ attitude to the team, combined with a commitment to producing some world class apps.

“It just sounded so perfect to me. I always wanted to be part of something that actually makes a difference. And I also want to be a better runner — so everything just fits.”

She was immediately drawn to Performance Lab’s description in the job ad: changing lives through fitness and wellness coaching, utilising AI. And Christine is keen to see the effects first-hand through her own training programme put together by Performance Lab (see below).

Adaptive Planning — Christine’s ARDA training programme.

Similar personalised training programmes will be available to all of our customers in the coming months, as will our ARDA running app for the iPhone and Apple Watch. (We are currently working hard on the final user experience before our soft launch!) Stay tuned for more Medium posts on Christine’s progress as she uses ARDA to help her blitz her 10k running goal!


Our running app is in beta stage and we’re looking for more testers! If you have an Apple Watch Series 3 or above, get in touch! Otherwise, join our community on Twitter, Telegram or Facebook to stay up to date as we get closer to launch day.

