The Arda Smart Training Community — This is the Future of Wellness

Gina Couper
Performance Lab
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2018

Performance Lab Co-Founder, Jon Ackland, has been analyzing physical activity data for more than 25 years in his work coaching tens of thousands of athletes at all levels. Always ahead of the game, Jon and fellow Co-Founder Kerri McMaster set up the first commercial sports science consultancy in the world with the mission of helping people become their best selves by achieving their health and fitness goals.

Jon, Kerri and the team discovered an inherent problem with the exercise data that was available to users — that is, too much data and not enough insight. All the numbers produced by fitness wearables and gadgets weren’t actually helping people reach their health and fitness goals! They regularly witnessed athletes who were committed to starting a fitness program or improving their performance getting injured and ending up quitting. And importantly on the flip side, data consumers such as fitness marketers, insurers and researchers weren’t able to access meaningful data insights to successfully engage with their target market.

Enter the Arda AI Coaching Platform

Performance Lab discovered that the key missing ingredient in making fitness data insightful was ‘context’, in the form of three key questions:

1. What did I do?

2. How did I perform?

3. What should I do next?

To answer these questions and provide both users and data consumers with useful insights, Performance Lab developed its know-how into an AI coaching platform called Arda.

Based on raw background data, Arda uses artificial intelligence to build and maintain a training plan unique to a user’s specific situation. Then, as they train, the Arda real-time coach taps into the full contextual feedback from all of the user’s activity-tracking data to provide advice on how to optimize a workout.

Sample Arda coaching advice

For example, Arda can tell a user to slow down as they run hard up that hill because today’s workout is intended to be a recovery run. Or maybe Arda tells them to speed-up on their intervals because this is supposed to be a hard day. Arda also adjusts the plan when a workout is missed, decreasing the risk of injury and the likelihood of a user quitting before reaching the finish line. The rundown is that using Arda is like having a personal 24/7 coach that analyzes your data and provides expert guidance when you need it most.

A Fully Decentralized Smart Training Community for Athletes, Token Holders and Data Consumers

The second problem Performance Lab wanted to solve was the lack of control that users have over their personal fitness data. In the world of big data owned by corporate giants, sadly the consumer has become the product — this is especially true when it comes to wearable devices. And as well as jeopardizing privacy, users are losing out on much of the benefit from the data they themselves generate.

Performance Lab is utilizing blockchain to enable users to control who they share their data with and get rewarded for doing so via Arda tokens, called ARDATs. Likewise, data consumers such as fitness marketers, insurers and researchers can use ARDATs to access this valuable user data and provide relevant offers to them. Users can utilize ARDATs to redeem these offers. Creating a tokenized Smart Training Community in this way also enables Performance Lab to reward users with ARDATs for healthy behavior, further encouraging users to achieve their fitness goals.

Market Recognition and Product Roadmap

Arda has already been proven in market through B2B licencing with leading brands Lifebeam, Oakley, New Balance and Intel. Performance Lab is currently developing its Arda B2C experience for the Apple Watch Series 3 and iOS app which classifies running behavior and triggers real time coaching events. Based on user feedback, further features will be added such as support for multiple workout types and real time audio coaching. Over time, Performance Lab will build out subscription and token rewards, rewards for data permissions and rewards for viewing targeted advertising.

Support Team

With a strong team of technologists, exercise scientists, coaches, token economists and advisors to tackle the challenge, as well as the support of blockchain companies Blockhaus and Centrality, Arda’s future is bright. Consider joining Performance Lab in its journey to use the best of AI and blockchain to create a healthier world, one athlete at a time.

Performance Lab closed a fully subscribed token pre-sale for Arda in Q1 2018 and the Arda main sale is live now! To learn more and to buy tokens visit, or get the latest news by joining the Arda community on Telegram.



Gina Couper
Performance Lab

Co-Founder of Loffty, the world’s most comprehensive online mental health assessment.