Nights Like These

Michelle Muses
Published in
Sep 25, 2019



Dusk falls
and the city unfurls
its secret self —
a map unspooling
under the kiss
of stars and streetlight.

A piano plays dreamily
from a window above,
notes drifting
like petals in the wind.

The glow of
dappled city lights
dances over your hair,
turning stray tendrils
a fiery auburn hue.

Stories unfold
from the fabric of night.
Whispers pirouette
off your lips
and into my ear.

I could stay here forever,
by the river
and its carpet of stars,
watching the whiskey sunset
cascade over the horizon,
and feeling your soft gaze
slowly unmask me.



Michelle Muses

“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable” —Mary Oliver.