Little Messages

Storytelling comes in many different forms. So taking the expression “a photograph tells a thousand words” with a grain of salt, we’d like to show you what it really means.

Are We Europe
Are We Europe
2 min readMar 23, 2020


Taken at a protest against the Trump Administrations' separation of families at the US/Mexico border in Amsterdam.

A current article in Are We Europe’s collection of online stories, photographer James Petermeier shows us a photo series of the many unique perspectives of protestors at demonstrations he’s attended over the years. The series sheds light on the perspectives that are often overshadowed by the larger, collective message of a rally.

Taken at a farmer’s protests in Den Haag.

In a short interview, he shares with us, “Photography allows me to apply what I have learned as a lawyer and as a social science researcher. In very different ways, the law and research are about advocacy and telling stories. From my legal education, I have a fairly libertarian perspective on the freedoms of expression. I believe that, short of harming others, everyone has the right to express themselves in their most freeing ways. As a researcher with a focus on peace and conflict, I have a passion to explore the clash of ideas. This, together with my legal background, has driven me to visually explore how people express themselves politically, and the clash and conflict which can result out of this expression.

Taken at a climate protest in Den Haag.

Going to a protest or demonstration, it is easy to find one side of a complex situation. What I have found surprising, and most enjoyable, is when I find those one or two brave protestors presenting the counter-perspective. In my opinion, they are the truest examples of free expression.

Taken at a protest against gun violence (the “March for Our Lives”) in Amsterdam.

I want to bring this series to the public to shine some light, even if superficially, on the little messages, the counter-perspectives, and the messages that have not received mainstream attention. They, too, deserve attention and respect. If the majority fails to protest or consider minority opinion, democracy fails.”

Inspired by the journalism and innovation of Are We Europe, our studio creates stories that help socially engaged organizations make an impact in the world.



Are We Europe
Are We Europe

The new media for a changing continent & Independent media collective of 750+ creators.