Stories of Solidarity

Are We Europe
Are We Europe
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2020
—A (news)letter of hope—

The world, and Europe as its current viral epicenter, is facing hard times. We are confronting an enemy that knows no borders and cannot be stopped by walls, elections, prayer or guns. “We’re at war”, French President Emmanuel Macron proclaimed in a somber televised speech on Monday.

They say that a crisis exposes your true colors. That’s why, as media-makers and storytellers, now is the time to rise to the challenge and do our bit, however small the contribution might be.

  • First, we decided to #staythefuckhome, with some members of the team falling back or locking down in Finland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Belgium and beyond.
  • Then, we had some long video-conferencing with our team and took a long hard look into the webcam, and the mirror, while we discussed what to do next. How should we move forward with the magazine and the stories we were going to bring out in the midst of this unprecedented health (and economic) crisis which is — understandably yet relentlessly — hijacking the entire news cycle and everyone’s newsfeed, not unlike the virus it is caused by?
—Our version of #staythefuckhome—

Solidarity Stories

There’s so much to say about this crisis, so much to read. Every day brings in more information and leaves us reeling. That is why we wanted to turn the spotlight, not away from what’s happening, but on other things as well. Stories that spread joy, that make you feel connected to others, and virtually break us out of social isolation for a sweet moment of bliss.

Our next issue gathers the European stories of solidarity, creativity, and compassion in times of crisis. Stories that highlight the human, the personal, the inspirational and the compassionate.

The Covid-19 health crisis has already sparked a wealth of constructive and positive responses across Europe and the world, from neighbors organizing food delivery for elderly residents, to social initiatives raising money to cover residents’ rent payments. Not to forget, of course, Italian balconies were alive with the sound of music. And while we’re surviving indoors, trying to flatten this damn curve, nature revives. There’s a silver lining to some of it.

Constructive Coalition

We’re also reaching out to other media to join our coalition, to do two things:

  1. Produce, publish and share stories about solidarity, hope, the unexpected and the underreported, about solutions and positivity, without discouraging healthy skepticism or ignoring the hard realities;
  2. Support as many freelance and early-career journalists as possible in the process.

Oh, and of course, someone wrote some damn fine lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody about it all. Going more viral than… well, you know. By the way, here are some stories that we loved (re)reading right now:

The name says it all:
The power of nature during a lockdown:
The Case of The Missing Hit:

Are We Europe brings you borderless journalism from the next generation of storytellers, by telling you a fresh, unique story that inspires or surprises on a daily basis. Whether it is a photo series, audio story or a long-read. An underreported story about an unexpected topic, person or place in Europe. A story that will put a smile on your face, or make you think.

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Are We Europe
Are We Europe

The new media for a changing continent & Independent media collective of 750+ creators.