What if most of your time was spent trying to fit in?

Are you a’lie’ve?
2 min readMay 15, 2014


Trying to fit into friendships, relationships, work situations, family reunions, and even yoga classes. After all, you’re just trying to find your place, make your niche, get by, and belong, right?

Well, how has that worked out for you so far? It pretty much sucks, doesn’t it? You do the extra work, put in the extra time, are reliably around, and it still doesn’t feel like you fit in at all. It doesn’t even feel like the people around you are even inviting you to play. Instead, it seems like they just take you for granted. They expect, and you deliver. Why?

You still have no job title, no name title, no place title. And you’re just slinking along like a slug. Somehow you became a “B” Actor even though you’ve been screaming out your qualifications for the “A” parts.

But nobody’s listening. Because what are you really trying to fit into anyway? Their network, their homes, their hearts? Why should they care or find you unique? You are doing the same things over and over and now they are expecting it. Are you that desperate to be stepped on?

Or are you just trying to fit into the world? And, if so, why? Who told you that you had to fit into their world or even anyone else’s world? Who told you that you had to belong to what was? And why did you agree?

You know you don’t belong there, because neither do they. You know you don’t fit in there, but neither do they. It is a well-known fact that those who alienate others are always the most insecure, in their own skins, their own lives, their own beings. For nobody really fits in because there is no “in” to fit into. That’s right, it is all fabricated to create layers of distinction that hurt, alienate and make some suffer for others’ pleasure. And that’s just plain mean.

So, stop trying to fit in to the world or anyone else’s. Stop allowing yourself to feel less than whole. Instead, fit into yourself. Find what you like to do and do it. Find who you like to be with and be with them. Search out for what enflames your heart and soul and draw only that near to you. For there is where you truly belong.

© JB

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Are you a’lie’ve?

Writer/Author/Podcaster — Remember who you are & take care of you