Meet the Filmmaker Who Made Happiness Go Viral on TikTok

How a rejected Hollywood pitch led to millions of followers, a non-profit organization, and a global creator community within one year

Liv Mello
Are You Happy?


Are You Happy on TikTok

“Toby Keith, the country singer, is our new biggest fan. He’s been in my DMs. Hey Toby, Toby, if you’re in this chat, I’m sorry I haven’t responded yet, brother. It’s crazy right now.” — Atdhe Trepca on Instagram Live

Atdhe Trepca is a 20-something-year-old filmmaker who has worked for companies such as Warner Bros Studios and Viacom Studios. Recently, he started a documentary series where he started traveling the world to ask random strangers one simple question, “Are you happy?” He set out in search of the happiest person on the planet and, while he’s come pretty darn close, the search still continues. What began as a desire to connect with different walks of life has since exploded into a global social media sensation that uplifts and inspires millions of people across multiple platforms.

“Are you happy?” This simple question has received hundreds of insightful, often complicated answers.

During our recent conversation, Atdhe explained his humble beginnings — splitting time between…



Liv Mello
Are You Happy?

Freelancing advice and figuring out how to be happy. Check out my work at