Am I Annoying For Being Human?

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”
2 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

I’ve been in work environments where I have felt “othered” for being Latina, for being a woman. I’ve received advances and been denied opportunities.

As a writer, I’m always in danger of being outsourced. It’s nothing new. ChatGPT doesn’t really matter to me in that regard. I have always had that knife above my head. People don’t want to pay writers. They do want the content. That’s always been true.

But a new feeling has arisen. As a remote worker, men in the office no longer make inappropriate advances. I don’t show my face on video, so I don’t even think my co-workers know I’m Latina. It’s a shame, but I think I’ve managed to work safely by quite literally not being around or seen.

I honestly expect AI to replace my job one of these days, but a new sentiment is brewing: Am I annoying for being human? At this point, does my own humanity irk employers?

In the future, we may need worker protections for…humans versus AI. Up until now, we have sort of been playing catch up. Protections for women, protections for people of any sexual orientation, protection for people who are pregnant…When it comes to worker rights, it’s like we are always chasing a ball but never getting in front of it.

But I’m starting to feel like a nuisance just because I’m not AI, and because AI can’t quite do my job…



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: