I didn’t choose career over men; I chose my dreams.
I didn’t choose career over men; I chose my dreams.
You just snidely use the word “career” to make it seem like I was somehow brainwashed by capitalism, like the career was something I painted myself with to hide in society as a man. Career is the unnatural thing, the thing that you think can be peeled away to reveal a mother underneath.
I didn’t choose career over men; I chose my dreams. Career was just a side effect of pursuing those dreams. Careers aren’t just something that someone plans strategically —
Sometimes, a career is what happens when you’re good at what you do, and when you’re willing to follow it to the end of the earth. When people connect to your art, when your passion for justice results in change, when you successfully heal the sick.
There are other ways to plant the seeds for what turns into a career, sometimes unintentionally. Sometimes you do the work just because you love it, just for itself. Do you know what that’s like? Are you jealous? Is that why you want to take it away?
Yes, some people choose their careers — But some people are just passionate about something, and follow their dreams. And that, one day, becomes a “career.”