Men don’t care if I’m good at anything.

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”
3 min readMay 9, 2024


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Here’s the depressing truth: Men don’t care if I’m good at anything. I’ve spent a large part of my life developing skills when it comes to writing and dancing. But if I’m ever chatting with a guy, they usually reduce these passions to two things:

  1. Can I help them write something? (For free)
  2. Can I put on something skimpy and dance around for them?

It’s exhausting how men think I have skills just to help or serve them. Why else would I bother developing those talents?

Last night, I was trying very hard to talk to a man about something that wasn’t his horniness. He asked if I was wearing lingerie.

Lingerie is not comfortable. I am not wearing lingerie in my house for no reason. I also have very sensitive skin, to the point where sometimes, lying down in bed is painful. I’m not wearing lace and push-up bras in my own time. I’m certainly not doing it to impress a guy I’m talking to online…especially when I can just say I’m not wearing anything and he will be just as frantic over that.

If men set the bar, I’d be good at nothing. It literally takes nothing to excite or impress them. It doesn’t matter what I do; they’re just going to keep asking for sex.



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: