This Mother’s Day I’m Thinking About The Time I Was Almost Sold

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

It’s not something I feel like I’m allowed to talk about. I was too young to remember. I should move on. Forgive. Etc.

One of my relatives summed it up well: “I can’t even talk to anyone about her. They just look at you like you’re the crazy one.”

When you have someone in your family who is so warped and twisted that they almost sold a baby, it’s hard to find people to relate to. These days, you see people calling a dude a narcissist just for ghosting. And ghosting is painful, but it seems like we no longer have any categories reserved for pure anti-social behavior.

There’s also the constant comparison of what you should feel versus what you do feel.

This is how normal people love and relate to their relatives. They give flowers. They take care of them. They call them. So are you wrong for not doing those things?

But regular people can also talk about things they’ve done wrong and apologize. There’s none of that here. If I bring up any of the things that hurt me in the past, it won’t lead to a discussion. At best, I’ll be told it never happened. At worst, I’ll instigate a whole cycle of fighting and blame.

What’s astounding is that the person who almost sold me tried to tell me that’s what brown and black…



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: