What Can We Learn From Karen Meltdowns?

They’re entitled, racist, mentally unwell, and…unspecial.

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”


Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

I love watching Karen meltdowns. Whether they’re getting kicked off a plane, arrested for not wearing a mask, or just being completely irrational, there’s something satisfying about watching these entitled white women get a dose of reality.

But what is this, exactly? Yes, it’s entitlement and racism. It’s also so many at this point that it seems like some kind of collective middle class meltdown.

Mask mandates and vaccine mandates never bothered me. Perhaps because as a kid I spent a lot of time in a country where smallpox vaccines were still very much a thing, and the idea of having to curtail or change your behavior for the health of someone else was nothing new for me.

I think a lot of us who have experienced hardship or poverty or life in a developing nation understand this. But the Karens…don’t seem to have this experience or perspective.

In fact, they think they have a right to good times. They have a right to the absolute best of times, and the most freedom.

There’s definitely some backsliding happening in terms of American opulence. We used to get whatever we want, whenever we wanted. Some of us were grateful for it and saw it as impossible to…



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

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