“Why am I so much happier pining for someone?”

Blood Orange in the Eisbach.

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”


Photo by Luis Fernando Felipe Alves on Unsplash

There was a park called the Eisbach where you could actually surf in a certain part of the river.

It seemed to surge up over rocks and create a wave. I wasn’t sure if it was natural or not…but it seemed like a good place to people watch.

I took the train. I was a bit confused. It didn’t work like the New York subway. There was a place to scan tickets, but there wasn’t any barrier or turnstile. No one checked my ticket. It seemed based on the honor system.

Very strange.

I walked onto the train and felt a little afraid that I would be arrested at any moment.

When I got off the train, I walked a bit past what looked like a university. There were young people all around.

Blueberry was not there. I relaxed. I could just be a normal person today. I could have fun. I could meet people. Maybe I could even party. Do normal young people things.

Maybe I didn’t have to feel so distant all the time.

I made it to the Eisbach. It was obvious where the surfers were. There was a crowd watching from a bridge, and another crowd watching from the side of the river.



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: https://linktr.ee/lisathewriter