You Think Your Mania Is A Gift From God.

A mental health plea.

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

You think your mania is a gift from God. It might be. I’m thinking about that a lot these days, as Catholics reenact Christ’s suffering on the cross.

But don’t you think sometimes God might put something in your path to tempt you, like the allure of delusion…that lovely mirage, where you get to think of yourself a genius, but when you try to put your ideas to paper, they crumble?

I think of the scene in Aladdin where they enter the cave and must resist the gold, gold that turns to sand anyway. I had delusions when I was epileptic…Are you sure that’s the real you, or is that the temptation?

You think your mania is a gift from God, and I know it’s shiny and bright now. What can I say to warn you? If I tell you about people I knew who went off their meds, you will insist it was the meds that destroyed their minds to begin with.

I know I can only try to meet you where you are. I am helpless. I am not a doctor. But I am a friend.

You think your mania is a gift from God, but it’s okay to turn down gifts. It’s okay not to give someone a car if they cannot drive. It’s okay not to give a child a gun. It’s okay not to give a young adult superpowers.



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: