You’re A Scary Loving Man.

Inspired by the Huberman accusations and my own experiences.

Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”


Photo by Will O on Unsplash

You talk about babies but don’t want to take me out to dinner: You’re a scary loving man.

You talk about your dreams as though they are ours. You’re a scary loving man.

You talk about us doing things together, but your plans don’t seem to take my future into consideration. You talk about us as though we are enmeshed, one soul. You paint a beautiful world. It is a fantasy, but not a fantasy that is mine.

You’re a scary loving man.

I’m selfish when I talk about my hopes and dreams. Then, it’s something I need to work on…for us. All my inner work is about being more giving and accommodating.

You’re so smart. You know everything about psychology, science, trauma. You say we’re going to work on things, but the more I work on things, the more I feel like something is wrong. You know all the buzzwords. I guess I just have to give some more.

You’re a scary loving man.

You’re liberated, so you say, but insist there are still some things all men want. They are “natural.” It’s not you; it’s instinct. You can’t fight it. Most importantly — I can’t find a better man. They’ll all be scary loving men in disguise.



Lisa Martens
“Are you okay?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: