My Own Personal Earth Angel

Mine for such a short but monumental time

Colleen Millsteed
Are You Out There
Published in
7 min readApr 15, 2023


A beautiful couple on the beach. The male standing behind the female with his arms wrapped around her. The blue / green sea in the background.
Image courtesy of Pixabay

The year was 1991 and it was a year that changed my life. Like ships passing in the night, one man unknowingly saved me with kindness, love and intense passion.

Here is my story.

My husband and I drove into the small town of Broome, in the far north of Western Australia. I was excited as this was a town that held many memories for me. My husband had never been here before but I had spent a number of years residing in this glorious town a few years back. I was looking forward to visiting old ground.

We were only going to be here for two and a half weeks as my husband had a couple of weeks work and then we’d head back to Kununurra, where we currently lived. As I wasn’t working at the time, being back in Broome was going to be a wonderful vacation for me, or so I believed, as we drove down the Main Street and pulled into the motel in which we had a room booked. Home for a few short weeks.

However, the trip did not turn out anything like I imagined.

My husband was a wonderful man, when sober, but get a few alcoholic drinks into him and he changed drastically. He became mean, argumentative and usually violent, like the flicking of a light switch. Seconds was all it took.



Colleen Millsteed
Are You Out There

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.