On a Day Like Today

Natasha Kurien
Are You Out There
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2023
Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

A sunlit sky
backed up an infinite pool

of pure blue beauty
with strips of cloud

fluffed out
to lie in it.

Overlooking the horizon
were wavy lines

that changed their course
with every whisper

that the wind
blew out.

The vicinity lined up
with greenery that

contained the beauty
that this

one day
had to offer.

The sun shone
like a diamond

high up in the sky
sending out light

that pierced through
the depths of my heart.

Reminding me that
perfect isn’t farfetched

that perfect isn’t
a long-lost dream

undeniably nonexistent —
it exists in these tiny moments.

In these tiny moments of absolute bliss
that make you realize

that fancy anything cannot buy you perfection
that nothing can replace

the purity that
a single moment has to give you.

And when you have them
line up

one after the other
coalescing, syncing, just falling into place,

you’ll see what I saw —
beauty, in its literal sense.

You can’t quantify what it does to you
you can’t justify it,

you can’t label it,
you can’t bring it back —

because right there,
right then- you lived

not just the life you see on screens
but the life you were born to see.



Natasha Kurien
Are You Out There

On the road to self discovery-looking to make peace with the past, present and future. Living to learn and learning to live.