Peace From the Pain

A long road traveled

Colleen Millsteed
Are You Out There
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2024


A girl with a packed suitcase setting off on her travels, takong her worlds woth her, tied to a string.
Image courtesy of Pixabay

He foolishly bit the hand that raised him,
A mistake that had epic consequences for all,
Destruction followed in his path as he stuck by his decisions,
Never heeding the cries of pain from the one he destroyed, while playing hardball.

His words ring false as they whisper through the air,
Are they lies for her benefit or his?
Because his actions scream where his words don’t filter,
To her ears that is!

He will be ruled with regret for many a year,
Once he truly understands the devastation of his choice,
He’s lost so much more than he could ever gain,
Loyalty, love, family — in which he once rejoices.

Does he lay awake at night wondering?
Because she does as she cruelly pines,
Analysing the why; she just cannot understand,
Although she has taken note of all the signs.

Heart shattered, she soldiers on,
Calling to the future to calm her pain,
Forgiveness is no longer hers to give,
As he foolishly threw that back at her again.



Colleen Millsteed
Are You Out There

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.