The Ways in Which People Gain and Lose Strength

Walking can be the best test for our inner selves.

Are You Out There


Photo by Samuel Charron on Unsplash

There’s something special about a book that can transport you to another place and time. The Salt Path is one of those books.

It tells the story of Raynor and her husband, Moth, who embark on a journey along the South West Coast Path after they lose their home and have devastating news about the health of one of them. From the first few pages, I was hooked.

The Salt Path is not only a beautifully written account of an incredible journey, but it’s also a book about hope and strength.

Raynor writes about how people gain and lose strength, and how, even in the darkest of times, it’s possible to find moments of beauty and joy.

The book is filled with personal memories and stories that will resonate with readers. It did resonate with me on many different levels.

It’s a beautifully written book that will leave you feeling inspired and hopeful.

When I started reading The Salt Path, I was instantly transported back to my middle school days. I remembered all of the walking trips we used to take and how much fun we had exploring new places.



Are You Out There

My incurable “idiotic” autoimmune disease inspired me to write and inspire others to live extraordinary lives while allowing my voice to be heard. Love Laughing