What do You Think of Ko-fi, The Online Tipping Jar?

How to put to bed the shame factor of asking for money

Jaja Requa
Are You Out There


Photo by Alejandro Morelos on Unsplash

The nature of tips

Tipping is a nice thing to do but not a required thing to do.

How do you feel about a really good musician on the street with their tipping hat placed before them?

Is it begging or busking?

How do you feel about a waitress handing you a check with the blank after the word “tip” for you to fill out?

Dinner Bill: A billion dollars🤣

Tip?_______🙏you fill in the blank

NOTE: Always tip the waitress at least 10%. 15 % is usually suggested on the bill of some restaurants. That’s because depending on where you live waitresses only make $6.28 an hour. They make all their money with tips.

Photo by Bimo Luki on Unsplash

What is Ko-fi?

Ko-fi is an online tipping jar for writers to earn money for their writing. The suggested tip is $3, just enough to buy a coffee at your local coffee shop. Lately, I have been seeing ko-fi’s popping up…



Jaja Requa
Are You Out There

Self-Help Junky, Spiritual Journalist & Lover of Wisdom.Join me here https://jajarequa.medium.com/membership or Follow me on instagram @jajarequa