Are You Out There


Claudia Koomson
Are You Out There
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2022


Bear Mountain/Claudia Koomson

I had a wish in my hand and I let it go.
Never wanting to wish on a shooting star.
Love wasted on a broken soul.
Not me, I cry.

Now time’s wasted.
Years of tears and joy.
Broken shackles from chains —
Never wanting to let go.

My soul cried,
And in the midst of it fell over.
Got over the bridge,
I never chose to burn.

I played.
And the Jack bit me, Queen smiled and Joker could never laugh so loudly.
I cried, not me.
In one million years, an old soul never dies.

In life, in love and in destiny.
I loved, I lived,
And sold the rest of me.
Settling for nothing, wanting more.
Needing to create the bliss that’s always been missing.

This wish, that I had once upon a time —
Slipped through the cracks of real love.
The heart-wrenching love that creates suicidal butterflies.
Swallows them up in the chest of the other, while time flies.
Molds them into the key fitting skeletons that once were unique.

Real love they say, pseudo-love I say.
Lustful eyes looked at me, through a mirror of images,
And a girl named Claudia asked me,
Who are you?

I never answered.
Searching for the answer in the years to come,
And I knew it was a test of my morality.

So when I had the wish in my hand I was supposed to let it go.
Nothing in life lasts forever.
Even the lied about fairy tales of a dream, that has yet to come true.

Only, I didn’t know that the process of losing that wish would take so long.
And a moment out of its presence numbs the wounds.
Revisiting the past, never lost in the dust.
What drives me? Not lust.

And so, a journey is taken,
And in the midst, a soul is lost.
Dreams of us, mistaken.
Never, not me, I cried.
I cried, not me.

Broken wings,
Through the dust, I fly,
Through the pain, I cry…
And let go.

The wish, meant to be lost,
Messages behind the molded key,
To my soul?
Never, to the world.

So I play, and this time with a pre-dealt hand.
How dare I lose again?
How dare I hold onto a wish?
How dare you look at me?
Ever again!

Not me, I say.
Not I, I cry…Never again.
And in the end, I call the shots.
I win.

Broken butterfly, fly again, into the world.
Like Atlas, world on your shoulder,
Tell me you love, and I will shrug.



Claudia Koomson
Are You Out There

I am a writer looking to build my portfolio in these topics: poetry 📝 yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ travel 🧳