AYS DAILY DIGEST 17/06/2018: Provide a safe port for rescued people

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2018

People being denied access to claim asylum in Greece // Bad weather on the Greek Islands // Civil society groups and citizens hold European governments to account! // People apprehended in Russia.

Lifeline today assisted a difficult case. Credits: Lifeline


The Refugee Info Bus informs that they are receiving an increasing amount of people who are being rejected at the border with Turkey. They do not even get the chance to ask for asylum in Greece before they are being pushed back across the Evros river — where they came from. The group highlights:

If the police or army do this, they are breaking international law. This is illegal. You have a right to claim asylum in Greece, when you reach Greece.

As the bad weather continues, the needs of people stuck on the Greek islands remain high. Storms and heavy rains are damaging the tents in Vial on Chios. Volunteers on the ground urgently need help to support the people in need.

Mosquitoes are again becoming an increasing problem, volunteers report, and especially those families and vulnerable groups living in tents.

Groups in Athens are calling for more donations as well as volunteers. If you want to volunteer, please get in touch with Artur, meet the people from Steps, Help neighbors or Love and serve without boundaries. They all will be able to provide you with more information about the situation on the ground and your volunteering opportunities.

In total, more than 100 people on three boats arrived on the Greek islands today, Aegean Boat Report recorded.


Volunteers in Velika Kladusa are trying their best to deal with the number of people arriving there every day again. Locals are trying their best to cope with the number of new guests. They are still in need of more funds.


Mission Lifeline today assisted a difficult case. They helped 126 people from one boat to board the freighter Viking Amber as it had no RHIBs. The freight ship’s destination was Misrath, Libya, but assurance was given that the rescued people would be transfered to the Italian Coast Guard.

The rescue operation of mission lifeline. Credits: LIFELINE

SOS Mediterranee released a scathing press release holding Europe to account for the recent debacle that forced 630 to remain at sea for 8 days while various leaders played a game of hot potato, trying to push the docking of the ship onto other countries. The Aquarius was heavily over-burdened and additional boats had to be brought in order to relieve it. In the press release, SOS Mediterranee states:

SOS MEDITERRANEE calls once again on all EU member States to take their responsibility and put the rescue at sea on top of their political agenda. EU member States must immediately cooperate to elaborate a European Search And Rescue model for the Mediterranean:

  • Search and rescue operations must be based on the respect of human life first before any other consideration, in conformity with international maritime law and humanitarian law,
  • Rescued people should be treated with dignity and humanity onboard rescue ships and receive all the care their state of vulnerability requires until a safe harbour is reached,
  • Competent maritime authorities should be allowed to respect their obligations to coordinate and optimize search and rescue operations,
  • A sufficient number of rescue ships, adequately equipped and manned, should be deployed in the Mediterranean, allowing for a vast coverage of the distress zone,
  • Disembarkation of the rescued people to the nearest port of safety must be ensured in all cases, without any delay in accordance with maritime regulations.

Read more here. The organization calls for mass involvement to ensure that these rights are respected and that governments hear the indictment! Read and share!

Salvamento Maritimo have rescued more than 1200 people since Friday in the Alboran Sea.


Alarmphone hosted a conference in Palermo, inviting other organisations to find solutions for the current problems Europe is facing. “We will enact our disobedience by building a new transnational alliance, an additional counter-pole based on practical solidarity,” the group announced.


“On tour against deportations” is the slogan of activists calling for a demonstration on Friday, 22nd June, in Vienna. The group is calling for the people to raise their voices against deportations to countries like Algeria and Morocco. As these countries are considered safe countries, they have no opportunity to legalise themselves on the grounds of personal persecution or jeopardised livelihoods.


Thousands of people gathered yesterday in Bern to protest against borders, racism and deportations.


Activists in Spain protested once again that no one should be illegal. This protest took place just after the Aquarius had to disembark people rescued on the Central Mediterranean at the port of Valencia, after a long and risky journey.


25 Moroccans have been arrested in Russia for trying to illegally cross into Europe. More and more Moroccans are using the Russian route to try and reach Norway and Finland, says Ali Zoubeidi.

We strive to echo correct news from the ground through collaboration and fairness.

Every effort has been made to credit organizations and individuals with regard to the supply of information, video, and photo material (in cases where the source wanted to be accredited). Please notify us regarding corrections.

If there’s anything you want to share or comment, contact us through Facebook or write to: areyousyrious@gmail.com



Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.