AYS Daily Digest 23/01/20 At least 140 severely ill children are denied healthcare in Lesvos

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2020

Update on locals protest in Chios // meeting between mayors and migration minister in Athens // more…


Severally ill children in Lesvos are forced to live in unsanitary tent conditions. Photo from Lesvos, 2015 by Michael S Honegger

According to MSF, the Greek Government is knowingly denying healthcare and treatment to at least 140 ill children “with chronic, complex and life-threatening diseases” in Moria. Dr Hilde Vochten, MSF’s medical coordinator in Greece, states:

“We see many children suffering from medical conditions, such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease, who are forced to live in tents, in abysmal, unhygienic conditions, with no access to the specialized medical care and medication they need. MSF is in discussions with the Greek authorities in order to transfer children to the mainland for urgent medical care, but despite the fact that some children were screened, none have been transferred yet.”

The government’s general unwillingness to find a swift, systemic solution for these children, including some babies, is outrageous — it harms their health and could lead to life-long consequences or even death.”

Since March of 2019, doctors in MSF have seen more than 270 cases of children suffering from chronic illnesses (heart disease, epilepsy, diabetes, etc.) from Moria. Yet to make matters more complicated, in July 2019, the Greek government decided to deny public healthcare for asylum seekers and undocumented people. Over 55,000 people are living without healthcare due to this decision, including these children. Learn more here.


A volunteer on Chios reported the following, regarding the demonstrations from locals on Wednesday:

Though there was no physical aggression during the day, there was an undisputed sense of unease and uncertainty — especially from actors aiding and assisting refugees. Apparently the gathering in the Chios Main square reached 3000 people (numbers not confirmed).”

Chios strike Photo by Moira Lavelle

“Anger was directed at municipality and government for allowing the situation to get so extreme — high numbers of arrivals remaining on the island, overspill onto private land, lengthy processing, waste and sanitation issues. There is a clear protest against the building of a Detention Centre, locals do not want this; fundamentally they fear that this will just allow for a continuation of the island’s occupation.

Residents channeled their anger towards the institutions but, I know, anecdotally, of the local’s fears, frustrations and resentment that refugees face. Locals feel their land and culture (‘way of life’) is being ‘taken over’. There was no expression of regret or concern regarding the inhumane, unsanitary way in which refugees are forced to live on the camp.

Deepening frustration towards Ngos on the ground, who residents believe have money/are being paid and are not transparent. Calls have been made for proper checks to be made of Ngos regarding their papers, status, tax outgoings as locals believe we are not abiding by rules. We can sense the tension and I have been verbally abused during activities on camp. In the coming days, we will not wear our vests when travelling on the island.

All businesses on the island closed, including petrol stations. Locals who work with, support refugees in their work also (closed) and felt nervous. Most NGOs stopped external activities; staff also felt that the containers where many distribution items are kept were being watched at points in the day.”


A meeting held on between Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis, the regional governor for the Northern Aegean Kostas Moutzouri, and the mayors of Lesvos, Samos, and Chios made little progress. They all agree that pre-departure closed centers need to be built but disagree on their operations. They will start meeting every two weeks to discuss the latest developments. More here.


To reiterate, as Salvini continues to campaign, the Senate’s Board of Immunities gave the okay for Salvini to be tried for kidnapping. The Court of Ministers of Catania on accused the former Prime Minister of “Abusing the powers…(and) depriving the 131 migrants stranded aboard the Gregoretti Italian Coast Guard ship from 00:35 on July 27, 2019 until the afternoon of July 31” of personal liberty. AYS will continue to follow this important case.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.